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Mechanical Engineering Drawing MECH 211/2 Y

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Presentation on theme: "Mechanical Engineering Drawing MECH 211/2 Y"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanical Engineering Drawing MECH 211/2 Y
Lecture #6 Dr. John P. Peach

2 Assignment #3

3 Quiz Question: Locate a line through the given point and intersects two skew lines.

4 Quiz Question: Locate a line through the given point and intersects two skew lines.

5 Lines Perpendicular to the Fold Line

6 Lines Perpendicular to the Fold Line

7 Parallel Planes Edge View

8 Parallel Planes Intersecting Lines
If a pair of intersecting lines in a plane is parallel to a pair of intersecting lines in a second plane, the planes are parallel

9 Determining if Planes are Parallel

10 Line Parallel to a Plane
A line is parallel to a plane if it is parallel to any line in the plane

11 Plane Parallel to a Line
A plane is parallel to a line if it contains a line that is parallel to the given line

12 Plane Parallel Through a Point and Parallel to Two Skew Lines

13 Perpendicular Lines A dihedral angle appears true size when BOTH legs appear true size Right angles appear true size when one or both legs appear true size

14 Plane Perpendicular to a Line Given View Method

15 Plane Perpendicular to a Line Auxiliary View Method

16 Line Perpendicular to a Plane
A line that is perpendicular to a plane is perpendicular to all lines in a plane

17 Perpendicular Planes If a line is perpendicular to a given plane, any plane containing the line is perpendicular to the given plane

18 Line Perpendicular to Skew Lines
The shortest distance between two lines is measured along a line perpendicular to the two lines

19 Line Perpendicular to Skew Lines Point Method

20 Line Perpendicular to Skew Lines Plane Method

21 Shortest Horizontal Line Connecting Skew Lines

22 Shortest Line Connecting Skew Lines at a Given Angle

23 In Class Assignment Page 619 Figure 20.24 #1 Page 619 Figure 20.24 #5

24 Midterm Tonight during the tutorial period 90-minutes long Worth 10%
Give you a good idea of what the final exam will be like Bring drafting tools (including HB & 2B pencils) Sharpen compass & pencils


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