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Survival guide Pd:4-5 By:Aly!.

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Presentation on theme: "Survival guide Pd:4-5 By:Aly!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival guide Pd:4-5 By:Aly!

2 What will I need to Survive In the wildirness
To survive in the wilderness you will need a compass and you brain working! In the wildirness

3 What kind of tools can I make Out of nature to survive
In the wilderness? Rabbit Stick- A weapon made out of rabbit bones. You can sharpen it with a rock.

4 HEY! What about food & water?
Birch Trees are good to be used as emergency food. You can eat the inner bark or the larger roots. MAKE SURE YOU BOIL THEM. You can also make a really nice tea with the sap from the sap of the tree.

5 HEALTH To deal with a burn or cut, put cold water on the injury to prevent from swelling. Add the fluff from a cotton-wood tree to burn or cut to keep safe from bacteria.

6 With all these tips you’ll
Survive perfectly in The wilderness

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