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#2 Revelation Series 6/8/14 Grace Baptist Church PM

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1 #2 Revelation Series 6/8/14 Grace Baptist Church PM
The Letters Chapter 2 #2 Revelation Series 6/8/14 Grace Baptist Church PM

2 Introduction: Key Verse: Revelation 2:29- “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.” Chapter 2 begins the second major division of Revelation; the letters to the 7 churches (“the things which are”- Rev. 1:19). Location. There were several churches in Asia Minor (Western Turkey), but only 7 were given a divine message. Verse 1 states that Christ “walketh in the midst” of the churches. He would have walked in a complete circle, beginning with Ephesus and ending with Laodicea. Scholars have noted the Ephesian church was a thriving, soul-winning center responsible for starting many other Asian churches including the other 6 referred to here.

3 Literal historical churches of John’s day.
Significance. The number 7 signifies “completion”- giving us a complete picture of the churches, etc. With that in mind, these letters were written to or represent: Literal historical churches of John’s day. Seven types of churches in each part of the church age. These 7 types can be seen today. Seven prophetic periods of church history: Ephesus- Apostolic Church (AD ) Smyrna- Persecuted Church ( ) Pergamos- State Church ( ) Thyatira- Papal Church ( ) Sardis- Reformed Church ( ) Philadelphia- Missionary Church ( ) Laodicea- Apostate Church (1900-?)

4 The Ephesian Church Forsaken Love (2:1-7)
The Saints Spiritually strong apostolic church of first century. Sea coast capitol- religious, political, commercial center. Temple of Diana- one of 7 wonders of the world. Paul preached there 3 years (Acts 19 and 20).

5 Ephesus The Source (2:1) In each letter, Christ is described differently. Note His description in vs. 1 “Ephesus” means desirable, a desirable church. “stars”- pastor or messenger. “right hand”- place of power (John 10:27-30)

6 Ephesus The State (2:2-3) “I know thy works”- Christ knows all and sees all. He is qualified to approve or disapprove our churches. He commended them for: sacrificial service (2:2, 3) (Acts 20:20- missionary and evangelistic zeal) Steadfastness (2:3) “Hast patience and not fainted” amidst Judaism’s legalism, paganism’s superstition and immorality (Acts 19). Suppression of evil (2:2) “Canst not bear…” Spiritual discernment (2:2) “Hast tried them…” (Acts 20:28-31; I Jn. 4:1) Stand against the deeds of the Nicolaitans (2:6). A sect which divided the church into clergy and laity.

7 Ephesus The Scolding (2:4) (Matt.24:12) A sin which no average person could detect. The Suggestion (2:5) Remember- how you were when you first got saved. Repent- (Col. 2:6) or else the Lord would remove their witness. This is what happened. Islam rules that area today.


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