Increasing In-Bay Automatic Revenues

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing In-Bay Automatic Revenues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing In-Bay Automatic Revenues
2007 Ryko Annual Sales Meeting Increasing In-Bay Automatic Revenues “It’s all about the Benjamin's”

2 Increasing Site Revenue
What is the average per car revenue of your customers? Do you even know? What is your customers average hourly thru-put?

3 Increasing Site Revenue
How do your customers stack up?

4 Increasing Site Revenue
In 2004 I opened a dual in-bay automatic and shocked the competition with a $10 top wash.

5 Increasing Site Revenue
My closest competitor had their top wash priced at $7.

6 Increasing Site Revenue
When over 50% of my customers were choosing my $10 wash, I knew I had under priced myself. My per car average was $7.43.

7 Increasing Site Revenue
The wheels started turning in BW’s head.

8 Increasing Site Revenue
In 2006 I added Rain – X to my bays and priced my top wash at $15. My average jumped to $9.55 per car.

9 Increasing Site Revenue
This is not a fluke. It was a well thought out, calculated move. I offer customers an experience that my competition does not.

10 Increasing Site Revenue
Average In bay automatic wash Prices in my market are under $5 per car. You can not just raise prices and expect results.

11 Increasing Site Revenue
More Proof A friend of mine, in my market, has off-board arches and ala carte menu offerings of Rain – X and Tire Shiners and is averaging over $15 per car through his in bay automatics

12 Increasing Site Revenue
He priced his top wash at $16 and has an additional $8 in up grades

13 Increasing Site Revenue

14 Increasing Site Revenue
This is his second site and he is achieving the same results at his first location

15 Increasing Site Revenue
We can command a premium because we stand out in the crowd.

16 Increasing Site Revenue
I Like Bubbles Besides the best wash quality in town, what else can you do to create an unforgettable experience?

17 Increasing Site Revenue
Help Your Customers Create a Brand

18 Increasing Site Revenue
Help them Stand out in the Crowd

19 Increasing Site Revenues
How can I make a difference in old bays? Can I create New Life?

20 Increasing Site Revenues
Absolutely Add new features such as Rain Shield Brighten the Bay with new lights and Royal Building Products Add Bubble Machines

21 Increasing Site Revenue
The Experience Economy Work is theater & every business a stage     

22 Increasing Site Revenue
The Experience Economy Four Realms of an Experience Entertainment Education Escape Estheticism

23 Increasing Site Revenue
Read, “The Experience Economy”, by Joseph Pine and James Gilmore

24 Increasing Site Revenue
Thanks! BW

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