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Roman Art- 27 B.C.-400A.D. Roman civilization dominates the western world Romans excel in the art of architecture In painting and sculpture, Romans.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Art- 27 B.C.-400A.D. Roman civilization dominates the western world Romans excel in the art of architecture In painting and sculpture, Romans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Art- 27 B.C.-400A.D. Roman civilization dominates the western world Romans excel in the art of architecture In painting and sculpture, Romans often copied or borrowed from the Greeks)

2 Roman Art- 27 B.C.-400A.D. The Flavian Amphitheater or The Colosseum
Rome, Italy Completed in 80 A.D. 160 feet high

3 Originally designed for lavish spectacles…esp
Originally designed for lavish spectacles…esp. battles between animals and GLADIATORS 50, 000 Romans could be seated inside. The outer wall is 16 stories, and went all away around and had polls to support an awning Current inside 4 horizontal bands, 3 with arches with Greek style columns, 2nd a 3rd story arches has statues Cells below held animals and Gladiators, they would flood the lower level to stage fake naval battles Current outside Many of the materials have been removed/stolen to use for other buildings This is the model for the modern stadium, tickets were required and doorways numbered. recreation

4 Actual pic from inside - Europe trip 2010

5 Augustus of Prima Porta 1st century BCE
It is thought to be a copy of a bronze original an idealized image of Augustus based on the 5th-century BC statue of the Spear Bearer by a famous Greek sculptor Greek and Roman artists created marble and bronze copies of the famous Greek statues. Since copies in marble lack the strength of bronze, they required struts or supports, which were often carved in the form of tree trunks, figures, or other kinds of images. Augustus of Prima Porta 1st century BCE

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