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Focus: Earthquakes/Using the Triangulation Method

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1 Focus: Earthquakes/Using the Triangulation Method
Earth History: Day 19 Focus: Earthquakes/Using the Triangulation Method 12/5/17 Science Starter - Copy and answer the following question: Can a phase change produce new compounds? No, because physical changes occur. Yes, because chemical changes occur. Yes, because atoms can bond together to form new substances.

2 Earthquake Drill Announcement over the school intercom will inform staff and students this is an Earthquake drill, or this is not a drill. Teachers will maintain student roster, instruct students to get to a safe place in the classroom, cafeteria, media center, etc. away from glass and windows. Teachers will take attendance, report missing students to the Grade Level Chair, the grade Level Chair will report missing students to the Principal. Students and staff will take cover under sturdy furniture. In the classroom when shaking first starts students and staff will: Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture. Hold onto it and be prepared to move with it during the quake. If there is nothing available under which not take cover, crouch against an interior solid wall and protect your head and neck with your arm. Stay away from danger spots near windows, hanging objects, mirrors or anything that might fall over. Stay where you are until the shaking stops and it is safe to move. After the Earthquake: Prepare for aftershocks. While an earthquake might only last a few seconds, there are often aftershocks that could be as strong as the earthquake occurring for days after the initial shaking. Although most of these are smaller than the main shock, some may be large enough to cause additional damage or bring weakened structures down. Do not enter partially collapsed or damaged buildings. Avoid electrical wiring, indoors and out.

3 Plan for the Day PowerPoint notes – “Earthquake Destruction”
2. NOVA Earthquake video

4 Homework 1. Quiz Friday over Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes
Work on study guide Finish “Earthquake Destruction” notes

5 What hazards are associated with earthquakes?
E.Q. What hazards are associated with earthquakes?

6 *Find the 4th bullet “Focus”.
*Add the following info: (You may need to write this at the very bottom and draw an arrow connecting this info. to the term “focus.”) *Deep-focus earthquakes most often occur at oceanic-continental convergent boundaries; km deep; do NOT cause as much damage at the surface. *Shallow-focus earthquakes occur at depths less than 70km (in the crust); cause GREATER damage at the surface, especially if it’s a high-magnitude earthquake.

7 Tsunami Another Video of Japan - BBC link

8 Use a computer to complete the “Earthquake Destruction” notes
Use a computer to complete the “Earthquake Destruction” notes. Finish them for homework. You may also work on the study guide.

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