Asian Cooperation in KEK

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1 Asian Cooperation in KEK
Mitsuaki Nozaki

2 Accelerators in Asia High Energy Physics Neutron Source Light Source
LS Light Source HEP High Energy Physics NS Neutron Source

3 ACFA, established in 1996 The primary purpose of ACFA shall be to strengthen regional collaboration in accelerator-based science. In particular, ACFA seeks cooperative ways to facilitate efficient utilization of existing human and material resources, to bring up scientists of the next generation, and to encourage future projects in Asia and to make recommendations for them to governments. ACFA will carry out its business according to the following guiding principles: ACFA is open to any active region in Asia which is willing to contribute to the advancement of accelerator-based science. ACFA is not intended to displace or supersede any existing organization. ACFA will closely cooperate with ICFA (International Committee for Future Accelerators).

4 ACFA members Pakistan China Japan Korea India Bangladesh Taiwan
Vietnam Thailand Philippine Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Australia

5 Asian Issues A variety of countries with different
political/business climate “phase space” of research community size and its derivative incentive to promote accelerator science No central organization, like CERN, to promote accelerator science, although many collaborative programs are in progress. KEKB/Belle, T2K, ILC (Phys./Det.,ATF/STF), Light source, Laser Plasma, ...

6 Visitors to KEK for ILC activity in 2006
Researchers Students Total persons person-days Korea 18 186 9 832 27 1018 China 10 383 11 378 21 761 USA 64 482 19 217 83 699 UK 16 170 7 278 23 448 Germany 33 206 4 40 37 246 France 12 183 223 India 2 172 5 50 222 Italy 160 3 210 Russia 8 141 191 Switzerland 45 85 Canada 1 Iran Philippins Poland Taiwan Vietnam 176 2128 75 2035 251 4163 More than 2000 person-days/year visitors from Asia only for ILC related activity

7 1. Considering a history that basic science has been supported by wealth (quality of life), it is obvious that contribution from rapidly growing Asia becomes significant in the near future. 2. Promotion of scientific activity in Asia will benefit the whole science community in the world, including particle physics and accelerator science. 3. KEK has proposed and is now preparing to establish an Asia Accelerator Science Network as a working body to realize the spirit of ACFA.

8 Asia Accelerator Science Network
to establish the Asian accelerator science community to promote exchange of scientists/students to coordinate cooperative research programs to coordinate strategic planning based on common interests to organize symposia, workshops, and schools in Asia the Network is not limited to HEP programs, but extends to accelerator science in general science using light sources or neutron sources medical/industrial application innovative technologies (accelerator/detector)

9 Network Operation Office space secured in KEK bldg.2 People assigned
1 communicator, 1 web admin., 2 assistants (1 Korean) involve more people from various fields (HEP, photon science,,,) Budget for JFY2008 allocated to launch a web site, “a show window” of accelerator science in Asia by collecting information from correspondents in Asia in 4 languages (English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese) eventually to organize a workshop/symposium Future plans to organize a regular school, like CERN summer school to bring up “science communicators” in Asia Budget request for further continuous activity Fund to exchange people among Asia matching fund system, like FJPPL, may be difficult for some countries

10 Summary In the near future, Asia will play an important role in particle physics and accelerator science. Asian activity benefits the whole science community in the world. KEK encourages Asian colleagues by creating an Asian Office to establish an Asian Accelerator Science Network. CNRS’s approach to Asia is highly appreciated and we need to collaborate in promoting particle physics and accelerator science in Asia.

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