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Metals, Transition metals, Metalloids, and Non-metals

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Presentation on theme: "Metals, Transition metals, Metalloids, and Non-metals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metals, Transition metals, Metalloids, and Non-metals
The Periodic Table Metals, Transition metals, Metalloids, and Non-metals Groups and Periods

2 Notes: Use the salmon colored paper to help you complete your notes. When you are done copying notes, place the salmon paper back on the counter and color in your periodic table. You may use any three colors, they do not have to be the same as my examples.

3 Periods Horizontal Rows (1-7)

4 Periods Elements in periods are not similar. They are just in order of atomic number. The only similarity between these elements is that they increase by one proton as you go from left to right across the period.


6 Groups They have similar characteristics in many ways. If you know something about one element in that group, the others are close to the same. They have the same or close to the same numbers of valence electrons. This means they bond with the same elements.

7 Parts of the Periodic Table
= Metal = Nonmetal = Metalloid There are three main groups in the periodic table: 1) metals, 2) nonmetals, and 3) metalloids.

8 The Metal Group Most of the elements in the periodic table are metals Chemists classify an element as a metal based on physical properties such as hardness, shininess, malleability, and ductility A malleable material is one that can be pounded into shapes A ductile material is one that can be pulled out, or drawn into a long wire Most metals are good conductors because they transmit heat and electricity easily Several elements in this group can be made into magnets Their reactivity varies as you go from left to right. The far left metals are very reactive while the far right metals are very unreactive.

9 The Transitional Metals
Transitional metals form a bridge between very reactive metals on the left side of the periodic table and the less reactive metals and elements on the right side of the periodic table Transition metals are similar to one another Most transition metals are hard and shiny They are fairly stable metals and are good conductors of electricity

10 The Nonmetal Group Nonmetals are the elements that lack most of the properties of metals There are 17 nonmetals Many of the nonmetals are very common elements and extremely important to all living things on earth Many nonmetal elements are gases at room temperature and have low boiling points The physical properties of nonmetals are opposite to those that characterize metals They are dull, not malleable or ductile, poor conductors, and when in solid form, brittle.

11 The Metalloid Group On the border between metals and nonmetals are seven elements called metalloids Metalloids have some characteristics of metals and some characteristics of nonmetals The most useful property of metalloids is their varying ability to conduct electricity Whether or not a metalloid conducts electricity is dependent upon temperature and exposure to light Nonmetals are also used to make semiconductors which are substances that under some conditions cannot carry electricity

12 Label Label your copy of the periodic table like the one on the handout. Use one color for each: Metals Non-Metals Metalloids

13 Label

14 Practice! You have 4 cards. Each one says either metal, metalloid, nonmetal, or transitional metal Each slide will contain a different element, you need to look and figure out which group it belongs to!

15 Ru

16 Ru Transitional Metal

17 S

18 S Non-Metal

19 Be

20 Be Metal

21 Fe

22 Fe Transitional Metal

23 Nb

24 Nb Transitional Metal

25 Ne

26 Ne Non-Metal

27 K

28 K Metal

29 Ge

30 Ge Metalloid

31 Zr

32 Zr Transition Metal

33 Sb

34 Sb Metalloid

35 Practice! You have 4 cards. Each one says either metal, metalloid, nonmetal, or transitional metal Work with a partner to quiz each other on your periodic table, just like we did in class.

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