Journal of Vision. 2008;8(11):18. doi: / Figure Legend:

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1 From: Voluntary control of long-range motion integration via selective attention to context
Journal of Vision. 2008;8(11):18. doi: / Figure Legend: Experiment 3 results pooled across observers, for each of the stimulus configurations (a–d). Schematic representations of the display configurations are shown in the leftmost column, with local motion directions indicated by gray diagonals pointing out of each circular grating, and global motion directions expected to be induced by attention to one or other pair of context stimuli indicated by black arrows attached to one or other context axis. Along each row (a–d), radial histograms display the distribution of reported global motion directions for each contrast condition (Equal, Contrast A, or Contrast B). Yellow segments indicate the proportion of responses during cueing to the vertical axis; blue segments are for cueing to the horizontal axis. (e–f) Relative proportions of responses in three directions visualized as stacked bar charts summarizing the relative proportions averaged across subjects. Separate panels show responses during attentional cueing of the high-contrast axis (left half of graph) versus cueing to the low-contrast axis (right half). Red bars indicate the proportion of local motion reports; white middle region above red bar indicates global motion reports in the direction expected to be induced by the currently cued axis; green bars at top of graph indicate the remaining proportion of reports reflecting the global motion induced by the uncued axis (this may be quantified by measuring from the top of the graph). Results for individual observers are superimposed as cumulative proportions, representing the breakdown of the mean proportions shown in the background, now shown as individual data points. Filled red points indicate proportion of local motion reports; open red/white points indicate proportion of cued global motion reports ( plus the local motion proportion indicated by the lower solid points). Distance from the top of graph to the open red/white points thus reflects the remaining proportion of responses in the uncued global direction. Date of download: 1/1/2018 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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