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Hinduism By Nick H..

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1 Hinduism By Nick H.

2 Where is Hinduism practiced?
Hinduism is practiced in many countries. The country with the most people practicing Hinduism is India. Hinduism is practiced in church like buildings called Mandirs

3 What are the basic tenets of Hinduism?
Hinduism teaches people that the world is an illusion. They also believe that the soul They believe that if you have good karma in the first life you will be in a higher class in the after life.

4 What is the caste system? How does it work?
The caste system is a system of social ranking. Brahmins are Teachers and Priests. Ksatriyas are Warriors and Rulers. Vaisyas are Farmers, Merchants, Artesian etc. Sudras are Laborers. Untouchables are Polluted Laborers.

5 Hinduism beliefs on death
Hinduism believes in the rebirth and reincarnation of souls. They believe that the souls are immortal. If you beileve in Hinduism you will be reborn into another human or animal.

6 What two beliefs make Hinduism different from the common religions or cultural practices?
In Christianity they: Worship god on Sundays, and believe in only one life. In Hinduism they worship god daily and believe in reincarnation.

7 What are the two most positive aspects of this religion?
I think that one of the most positive aspects is that they can be reborn into another human or animal after they die. The second thing is that they worship their god everyday. Ganges River

8 What works of art or literature best reveal this religion and why?
Aum is the main symbol of Hinduism It can be heard in the deepest meditation It is most suited for god.

9 What is the most surprising or interesting thing you learned about this religion?
The most suprising thing I learned is that: Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. I also didn’t know that only Hindu woman have a red dot on their forehead.

10 What is one Hindu holiday and how is it observed?
It was originally a spring festival of harvest. Now it marks some Hindu legends. Not much religious activity is involved in Holi. Also called the festal of colors. Usually celebrated in March

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