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Issue 1: Scots on the Western Front – Trench Warfare

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1 Issue 1: Scots on the Western Front – Trench Warfare

2 The Scottish Experience in WW1
Issue 1: Scots on the Western Front The Scottish Experience in WW1 Trench warfare By Christmas 1914 due to poor weather and exhaustion the troops on both sides began to dig trenches for protection and shelter. Soon these trenches would stretch 600 miles from the English Channel to Switzerland. The trench would be the main feature of warfare between 1914 – 1918.

3 The Scottish Experience in WW1
Issue 1: Scots on the Western Front The Scottish Experience in WW1

4 The Scottish Experience in WW1
Issue 1: Scots on the Western Front The Scottish Experience in WW1 Life in a trench: Muddy conditions leading to trench foot. Vermin e.g. lice, corpse rats, clouds of flies in summer. Boredom e.g. cleaning weapons, filling sand bags, basic food rations etc. Constant fear of death led to nervous breakdowns e.g. snipers, shell shock. Censorship of letters, worrying about wives etc. left behind.

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