Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics

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Presentation on theme: "Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics
ALFF - Course No 3 Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics Friedrich Schiller University Jena

2 Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics
ALFF - Course No 3 Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics Friedrich Schiller University Jena Objectives: - Student Presentations all ALFF projects (30 minutes for each PhD presentation) - Hands on courses in metabolite profiling (theory, experimental design, sample processing, derivatisation, data analysis) - Building up new collaborations Materials for PhD students: - Seminars “Introduction in metabolomics” - Courses & Protocols Expenses - Registration fees for student (including catering + bench fees +costs of any invited speakers). Travel and hotel expenses have to be paid by each partner independently. Organisers: Thomas Wichard & Georg Pohnert

3 Preliminary program and time schedule
Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Date 18/09/2016 19/09/2016 20/09/2016 21/09/2016 22/09/2016 23/09/2016 24/09/2016 Program 9: :00 Welcome Student Presentations III Seminar Metabolomics Data processing Departure 10:00-11:00 Student Presentations I 11:00-11:15 Coffee Break 11:15-12:15 Discussion 12:15-13:30 Lunch BBQ 13:30-15:30 Arrival Student Presentations II PI Meeting City tour for PhDs Training school Topic A Topic C 15:30-16:00 16:30-18:30 Topic B Topic D Guest Speaker at 17:30 (?) 19:00 “Restaurant” Free Dinner “Catering” Dinner “Restaurant”

4 “Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics”
ALFF - Course No 3 “Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics” Friedrich Schiller University Jena Registration fee per student: 560 Euro - Travel (train, flight, bus, public transport) and hotel (50 – 100 € / per day) of each participant is not included and these costs must be met by research, training & networking budget (as with Roscoff and Lisbon courses); - Reservations will be made in hotels of various categories (details of which will be circulated once available); and - The booking has to be made before May (by each partner individually)

5 See you soon … ALFF - Course No 3
Deciphering symbiotic interactions with metabolomics Friedrich Schiller University Jena See you soon …

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