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WEST FLORIDA SHELF Physical Oceanography

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1 WEST FLORIDA SHELF Physical Oceanography
Robert Weisberg HyCODE P.I. Mtg, 1/7/02 First, I would like to thank Chris for organizing this workshop! It is a pleasure to be here. Today I am going to give a brief introduction on the modeling study on the WFS circulation that that we conducted at USF.

2 Objectives and Applications
1) Determine how physical processes affect material property distributions on the WFS 2) Determine the relative importance of deep ocean forcing (by the LC and its eddies) and local forcing by winds and buoyancy fluxes. Applications: Biological - Red tide, fish larvae Chemical - Nutrients Geological - Sediment resuspension and transport Physical - Currents, sea level, T/S

3 Approach • Our approach combines in-situ measurements with
numerical circulation modeling • Measurements are by moorings, ships, and satellite • Modeling is by regional adaptations of the POM

4 Problem Definition

5 Wind Heat Flux Loop Current Desoto Canyon Mobile River
Apalachicola River Suwannee River Mississippi River Wind Hillsborough River Heat Flux The West Florida Continental shelf is one of the broadest continental shelves in North America. The isobaths on the WFS change very smoothly and generally parallel the coastline. The coastline in the north undergoes a right angle bend and the shelf width decreases to a minimum at the Desoto Canyon. The shelf circulation is influenced by wind, surface fluxes, coastal river inflows (as listed in the figures) and offshore Loop Currents. Previous research suggest that much of the effect of the Loop Current is confined in the deep water by the steep shelf break. The shelf circulation on the middle and inner shelves is determined by the local forcing (namely the wind, heat flux and rivers). Peace River Loop Current Shark River

6 Accomplishments • Moored arrays: 1993-1998 • Moored array: 6/98-12/01
• Scaled down moored array: 12/01-present • Hydrography: 6/98-12/01 • Real-time data • Model: Mississippi River to Florida Keys • Nowcast-Forecast Shelf Circulation Model • Publications Follow the order of increased time scales, I will fist show some results on our study of tides on the WFS. Then some results showing the response of WFS to synoptic, seasonal, and inter-annual variability. Then an introduction of our very new nowcast/forecast system, which is only one-month old. And finally , a summary and a slide showing what we are working on right now.


8 As Mark just mentioned, USF coastal ocean monitoring and predication system now give a real time measurement of the current, wind, surface flexes and the density on the WFS. Beside the real-time in-situ measurement system, we also work on building a nowcast/forecast modeling system

9 Research Results

Three-dimensionality and the essential role played by stratification Ref. Weisberg et al. (2001) West Florida shelf response to local forcing: April Jour. Geophys. Res., in press

11 April 1998 measurement Along-shelf velocity Across-shelf velocity Sea level at St. Petersburg Wind velocity Wind stress

12 Spring Season Transitional Circulation: The Cold Tongue and the “Green River”
Local forcing versus the LC The dual role of winds and surface heat flux Refs. Weisberg et al. (1996) Geophys. Res. Lettrs., 23, He and Weisberg (2001) Cont. Shelf Res., in press

13 • Princeton Ocean Model (2-6 km resolution, 21 layers)
• Driven by NCEP reanalysis wind and surface heat fluxes and river inflow • Radiation condition along the OB. e.g., the Loop Current is excluded • Comparisons are made between the modeled and observed sea level and current We used the Princeton Ocean Model for our study. The figure in the upper Panel show the curvilinear grid we used. The grid starts from west of Mississippi in the northwest to the Florida Key West in the southeast, with one open boundary arching in between. The grid resolution vary from 2 km near the coast to 6 km near the Open boundary. We forced the model by NCEP reanalysis wind and heat flux as well as the long term monthly mean river runoff. By the way, we totally implement 7 major rivers of this region into our circulation model. Since we only consider local forcing, radiation condition are used at the Open boundary rather to specify the Loop Current. Our model results are compared extensively with coastal sea level data and in-situ ADCP current measurements that are indicated by these barely seen blue dots. Also please remember the location of these four across-shelf transects, as we will come back in a few minutes to show you the temperature fields along.

14 Sea Level Comparisons Data (thin line) Model (thick line)
The coastal sea level responds primarily to local, shelf-wide forcing The model is initialized with the density field observed from a hydrographic survey at the beginning of March, 99 and run for three months from March to May, The figure show the sea level comparison between the model and data. From the top to bottom are the time series of the wind, observed and modeled sea level at Pensocola, apapachico, St. Petersburg and Naples. The observed sea levels have been low-passed filtered to remove the tides and inertial oscillation and are shown by the thin line. The model results are shown with thick line. We see the agreements are very well with r Square values all above 0.8. We conclude that the coastal sea level respond Primarily to the local forcing.

15 Current time series from Model and data
at surface, mid-depth and near bottom Seasonal Mean Current Vectors and variance ellipses wind Surface current Mid-depth current We also compared the modeled current with 6 ADCP current data for that period. As an example, the figure on the right show 3 month time series of the wind, and the observed and modeled currents at surface, mid-depth and bottom. We found that the model is able to pick up the observed synoptic variability nicely. The complex correlation coefficient squared between the modeled and observed currents at all three levels are about 0.8. The overall comparisons with all 6 current measurements are shown in the figure on the left, where we give the seasonal mean vector and the variance ellipses at different mooring locations. We can see the model driven by the local forcing is able to capture the seasonal feature of observed current reasonable well too. Based on these agreement between the model and data, we use the model to discuss the seasonal circulation in spring 99 Bottom current Black (Model); Red (Data)

16 Model Sea Surface Temperature May 31
Seasonal mean depth average current Middle Shelf jet Model Sea Surface Temperature May 31 “Cold Tongue” Present here are the spring mean depth average currents, modeled SST and modeled sea surface salinity on May 31. We see the seasonal mean circulation field are upwelling type with a southeastward jet located on the mid-shelf. Associated with the southward jet are the annually occurring low temperature Tongue that is due to the effect of surface heat a low salinity tongues that is caused by the current advection of the river water. In addition, Biologist also report an annual-occurring spring chlorophyll plume on the mid shelf/ The plume is also called “green river” extend southeastward from Cape San Blas. Our result show that it is the mean circulation transport nutrient rich Mississippi , Mobile and Apalachicola river water to the mid-shelf and produce the aggregation of chlorophyll. Since all the feature can be produced by the model without Loop Current, we can rule out the Loop Current as the reason for these unique temperature, salinity and biological features. Modeled Sea Surface Salinity May 31 “Green River “

17 Evolution of monthly mean flow fields
Early Spring Evolution of monthly mean flow fields Heat flux cold colder warm Late Spring Heat flux In addition to the seasonal mean, we produced the monthly mean current fields to show the evolution of the shelf circulation. March mean is featured with the coastal jet. In April, this jet migrate offshore to the mid and outer shelf and reach its maximum in May. The cartoon on the right show how this happen. In the early spring, the heat flux is out of the ocean, cooling effect make the shallow water much colder. Thermal gradient supports southeastward baroclinic current, which enhance the wind driven part, results a strong coastal jet. As time advance, the effect of surface fluxes changes from cooling to warming, heats up the shallow water very quickly. The resulting cold tongue then supports a cyclonic broclinic current. This current helps to decrease the southeastward Current at the coast and increase the southeastward current on the mid shelf. Therefore, we see Surface Heat fluxes is the key component in this evolution. Long tem current observation on the WFS oconfirms the existence of mid-shelf jet. Surface heat flux, is needed to combine with the wind to produce this mid-shelf jet. cold warm warm

18 Local change Advection Ocean circulation Vertical and Horizontal Diffusion primarily surface heat flux We have also studied the shelf water temperature balance of the shelf water for the spring season. Consider the temperature equation, the change of temperature is caused by the advction and vertical and horizontal diffusion. The temperature advection is due to the ocean circulation, while the temperature diffusion is primarily due to the surface heat flux. We performed a term-by-term diagnose of temperature at different depth on The shelf. Each term after depth integration provide information on how much it contributes to the temperature change of the water column. Here as an example, we show the time series of depth integrals of advetion, diffusion and their sum, which equal the local change of temperature for a point on the shelf. Mean and std are also calculated for each series to provide better idea on how things really works. We see for the seasonal mean, the ocean advection produces cooling effect. The diffusion related to the Surface fluxes being one positive and bigger, provides warming effect and largely controls water temperature increases. However, STD of ocean advection is much bigger than That of diffusion, indicating that in synoptic scale, temperature variation is primarily controlled by ocean advection. =local change Mean (diffusion) > Mean (advection); Std (diffusion) < Std (advection)


20 Tides on the WFS Barotropic tides
Four major tidal constituents (M2, S2, K1 and O1) Ref: He and Weisberg, 2002, Tides on the West Florida Shelf Submitted to Journal of Physical Oceanography

21 Modeled Tidal current ellipses Observed Tidal current ellipses

22 Loop Current vs Local Forcing Influences
The effect of Loop Current forcing on the shelf superimposed upon the effect of Local wind forcing on the shelf. Refs: He and Weisberg, 2002, A Loop Current intrusion case study on the West Florida Shelf, manuscript submitted JPO. Li and Weisberg, 1999a, West Florida shelf response to upwelling favorable wind forcing, Part I. Kinematic description. Jour. Geophys. Res., 104, Li and Weisberg, 1999b, West Florida shelf response to upwelling favorable wind forcing, Part II. Dynamics analyses. Jour. of Geophys. Res., 104,

23 Daily SST June 1 – July 6, 2000

24 Southward Geostrophic Current

25 Daily subsurface Current map June 1 – July 6, 2000

26 “Mature “Young Phase” Phase “ LC only LC only LC + Upwelling LC + wind
Downwelling Wind LC + Downwelling wind

27 Inter-annual variability of the WFS circulation
Inter-annual variability in the circulation as accounted for by Local and offshore forcing Ref: Weisberg and He (2002). Anomalous circulation on the west Florida shelf: Local and offshore influences.

28 Inter-annual variability
In the local wind forcing

29 Time Series of Topex SSH Anomaly Along Track 26
ADCP Current Measurements (PA 30m, CM 50m and LB 20m)

30 Local Forcing Only Spring 1998 Local Forcing Only Spring 1999

31 Local Forcing Only Local Forcing Only + Loop Current Spring 1998 Spring 1998

32 Current at 30 m in Spring and Summer 1998
Local forcing only Local forcing +LC

33 Current at 50 m in Spring and Summer 1998
Local forcing only Local forcing+LC

34 Current at 20 m in Spring and Summer 1998
Local forcing only Local forcing +LC

35 Temperature Along Mote, USF Sarasota, Tampa Transects between March
8/5 3/30 200m USF 30m (Mote) 9/9 50m USF 5/18 30m (Mote) 11/9 200m USF 6/10 200m USF Temperature Along Mote, USF Sarasota, Tampa Transects between March And November 1998 7/7 200m USF

36 Summary • Collected in-situ data: currents, sea level, hydrography, surface met., including a real time network (COMPS). • Developed a regional circulation model (Miss. River to FL. Keys) for hindcast studies and for coupling with a biological model. • Developed a regional nowcast-forecast circulation model. • Performed model-data comparisons for tidal, synoptic, seasonal, and inter-annual time scales. • Local forcing, independent of the Loop Current and eddies, accounts for much of the WFS variability, including the spring cold tongue and “Green River”. • The Loop Current modifies the effects of local forcing, primarily by setting the height of material surfaces at the shelf break. Occasionally, when impinging at the southern edge, the LC also sets the inner-shelf in motion. • The circulation, and its control on material property distributions, is fully three-dimensional. • An asymmetry occurs between upwelling and downwelling wind responses due to inner-shelf control by the bottom Ekman layer.

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