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How America was slowly settled

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1 How America was slowly settled
Colonialism How America was slowly settled

2 The 13 Colonies

3 Very First Colonists At first people came over to the Americas for business reasons They were sponsored by merchant companies The first British civilians settled an Island called Roanoke in 1587 established by Walter Raleigh When he returned to check on the settlement in 1590, everyone had disappeared

4 Croatoan

5 Walter Raleigh

6 The New England Colonies
King James 1 allowed the Virginia Company to send 144 men to establish a settlement It became known as Jamestown -1607 Wasn’t successful until 1616 The first slaves were brought over in 1619

7 Jamestown Why were was Jamestown so unsuccessful for so long?
“He that will not work shall not eat” –John Smith

8 Cannibalism They were definitely cannibals Let’s look over a story
This is Jane

9 Jamestown

10 The Pilgrims…. Yay? A group of religious separatists settled Plymouth (Mass.) This group is known as the Mayflower Saints They had a rough time of it and survived only through the help of natives They were eventually absorbed by a larger group of Puritans sent over by the Massachusetts Bay Company

11 Plymouth Landing

12 Where did they land?

13 Middle Colonies King Charles gave the land of the middle colonies to English settlers Then in 1680 the king gave William Penn the area that is now Pennsylvania Most of the people who came over were rich enough to settle and establish themselves

14 William Penn

15 The Southern Colonies The south is where most of the crops were grown and had close ties with the colonies in the Caribbean The Caribbean, and the Southern Colonies as a result, relied heavily on slavery Slavery therefore grew up with the South

16 Colonial Crops

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