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Why there should be more Physical Education Class in Schools

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1 Why there should be more Physical Education Class in Schools
By Matt Palmero Audience: School Board

2 National Recommendations for Physical Activity
Students should complete minutes of vigorous to moderate-intensity physical activity a day Elementary students should spend minutes a day in P.E class Middle/High school should spend minutes a day in P.E. Only about half of U.S kids meet the governments national guideline of 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity

3 Physically active at least 60 minutes/daya 17.7% 36.6%
Type of Activity Females Males Physically active at least 60 minutes/daya 17.7% 36.6% Attended physical education classes dailyb 24.0% 34.9% aAny kind of physical activity that increased heart rate and made them breathe hard some of the time for at least 60 minutes per day on each of the 7 days before the survey. bAttended physical education classes 5 days in an average week when they were in school.

4 The Cause of Losing P.E Class
P.E and recess has been reduced or cut in many schools due to increasing education demands and lack of finances Since 2001, 44% of School administrators report cutting time from P.E and recess for more time in the core subject classes

5 Risks of Losing P.E and Recess
Increased chance of obesity Higher risk of diabetes Higher risk of high blood pressure Increased risk of certain cancers Increased risk of cardiac problems


7 The Benefits of P.E Class
Greater academic acheivment and cognitive functions Better classroom behavior Increased socialization Improved physical and mental health Helps build and maintain muscle

8 Lack of Physical Activity Outside of School
Sports programs are being cut to save money Gym intimidation Can’t afford a gym membership Less extra curricular activities

9 Childhood Obesity Facts
Obesity has more than doubled in children the last 30 years Has quadrupled in adolescents last 30 years In 2012, more than 1/3 of children were over weight Childhood obesity has immediate and long term effects The rate of childhood obesity contiunues to increase

10 Childhood Obesity Effects
Greater risk of bone and joint problems Greater risk of sleep apnea Greater risk of social problems Greater risk of psychological problems Example: poor self esteem More likely to be obese as adults

11 Childhood Obesity Prevention
#1 prevention is physical activity Healthy eating habbits Safe and supportive environment Opportunities to learn health eating habbits and physical activity behaviors (all can be found in a health or P.E class setting)


13 Parental Concern 7 in 10 parents think their schools do not provide children enough daily physical education 25% of parents say schools give too little emphasis of physical education 18% of parents say their schools do not provide quality facilities to promote physical education Based on a 2012 poll

14 Recess To have recess or not is often a local school district decision
11% of states require a scheduled recess in elementary schools 57% of school districts require recess in elementary schools Recess has taken the hardest hit in Urban areas

15 Children Less Likely to have Recess
African American % do not have recess Living below poverty line % do not have recess Struggling academically % do not have recess The less money a school has, the less likely to have recess

16 Reasons why Recess has been Cut
Short instructional days Lack space or facilities Inadequette adult supervision 89% of dicipline related problems occur at recess and lunch

17 The Push for Change The goal n many states is to pass legislation so that recess cannot be cut in individual schools Organizations such as NASPE are pushing fr this change as well 75% of parents think recess should be mandatory 80% of principals voted that recess has a positive impact on academic learning

18 Improving Recess Painted blacktops in schools instead of play structures can reduce the price $150,000 to $5,000 Blacktop activities encourage engagement Can cut out behavior problems at recess Programs such as Playworks provide trained coaches to oversee physical activites at low-income

19 What Teachers have to say
"Recess is motivation for my preschoolers to do written work like tracing letters and writing between the lines, and for sitting still for story or circle time. I say we need more time for exercise and fresh air to bring about more productive students." –Brenda Johnson "In my district, recess was cut to 30 minutes PER WEEK by fifth grade, and I can speak first-hand to the discipline problems that arise because kiddos have no outlet for their energy." –Jennifer Fortson "Free play helps to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. If we direct that time for students, how will they ever learn to do and think for themselves? Kids need to feel like they have some autonomy, or education feels more like a prison than a learning experience." –Rebecca Webster


21 Resources

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