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Presentation on theme: "TIDES."— Presentation transcript:


2 The daily rise and fall of Earth’s waters on the coastlines.
What are tides?? The daily rise and fall of Earth’s waters on the coastlines.

3 GRAVITY!!! The interaction of the Earth, moon, and the sun.
What causes tides?? GRAVITY!!! The interaction of the Earth, moon, and the sun.

4 When the water reaches its highest point.
What is high tide? When the water reaches its highest point.

5 When the water reaches its lowest point.
What is low tide? When the water reaches its lowest point.

6 How often do high and low tide occur?
High and low tide occur twice EVERY DAY!

7 What is a Spring Tide? How often does is occur?
Occurs twice a month. The GREATEST difference between the heights of high and low tide.

8 What is a Neap Tide? How often does it occur?
Occurs twice a month. The LEAST difference between high and low tide.



11 Graphing Activity p. 370

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