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Neutrino Astrophysics
The MSW effect and Neutrino Astrophysics A. Yu. Smirnov ICTP, Trieste & INR, Moscow * Context * Refraction, Resonance, Adiabaticity * MSW: physical picture of the effect * Large mixing MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem * Supernova neutrinos and MSW effect
Context: Neutrino mass Neutrino mixing and Oscillations Matter effect
W. Pauli E. Fermi Neutrino mixing and Oscillations Matter effect B. Pontecorvo, Z. Maki, M. Nakagawa, S. Sakata Neutrino Refraction L.Wolfenstein Spectroscopy of Solar Neutrinos Homestake J.N.Bahcall G.T.Zatsepin, V.A. Kuzmin Experiment R. Davis Jr., D.S. Hammer, K.S. Hoffman A Yu Smirnov
References [1] L. Wolfenstein, ``Neutrino oscillations in matter’’, Phys. Rev. D17, (1978) [2] L. Wolfenstein, ``Effect of matter on neutrino oscillations’’, In Proc. of ``Neutrino -78’’, Purdue Univ. C3 - C6. [3] L. Wolfenstein, ``Neutrino oscillations and stellar collapse’’, Phys. Rev. D20, (1979) [4] S. P. Mikheyev and A. Yu. Smirnov, ``Resonance enhancement of oscillations in matter and solar neutrino spectroscopy’’, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 42 (1985) [5] S. P. Mikheyev and A. Yu. Smirnov, ``Resonance amplifications of n- oscillations in matter and solar neutrino spectroscopy’’, Nuovo Cimento C9 (1986) 24. [6] S. P. Mikheyev and A. Yu. Smirnov, ``Neutrino oscillations in variable-density medium and n-bursts due to gravitational collapse of stars’’, Sov. Phys. JETP, 64 (1986) [7] S. P. Mikheyev and A. Yu. Smirnov, Proc. of the 6th Moriond workshop on ``Massive neutrinos in astrophysics and particle physics, Tignes, France, eds. O Fackler and J. Tran Thanh Van, (1986) p.355.
Flavors, masses, mixing Mixing = ne nm nt n1 n2 n3 e m ns
Flavor neutrino states: Mass eigenstates ne nm nt n1 n2 n3 m1 m2 m3 e m t correspond to certain charged leptons Mixing interact in pairs Eigenstates of the CC weak interactions Flavor states Mass eigenstates = ns Sterile neutrinos? A Yu Smirnov
Mass spectrum and mixing
ne nm nt |Ue3|2 n3 n2 Dm2sun n1 mass Dm2atm Dm2atm mass |Ue3|2 n2 n1 n3 Dm2sun Normal mass hierarchy (ordering) Inverted mass hierarchy (ordering) Type of mass spectrum: with Hierarchy, Ordering, Degeneracy absolute mass scale Type of the mass hierarchy: Normal, Inverted Ue3 = ? A Yu Smirnov
Two aspects of mixing ne = cosq n1 + sinq n2 n2 = sinq ne + cosq nm
vacuum mixing angle ne = cosq n1 + sinq n2 n2 = sinq ne + cosq nm nm = - sinq n1 + cosq n2 inversely n1 = cosq ne - sinq nm coherent mixtures of mass eigenstates flavor composition of the mass eigenstates n2 ne n2 n1 wave packets n2 n1 nm n1 Flavors of eigenstates n2 ne n1 Interference of the parts of wave packets with the same flavor depends on the phase difference Df between n1 and n2 The relative phases of the mass states in ne and nm are opposite n2 nm n1 A. Yu. Smirnov
Vacuum oscillations oscillations: n2 ne n1 Df = Dvphase t Df = 0 Dm2
Propagation in vacuum: Flavors of mass eigenstates do not change Determined by q Admixtures of mass eigenstates do not change: no n1 <-> n2 transitions n2 ne n1 Df = Dvphase t Df = 0 Dm2 2E Due to difference of masses n1 and n2 have different phase velocities: Dvphase = Dm2 = m22 - m12 Oscillation length: oscillations: ln = 2p/Dvphase = 4pE/Dm2 effects of the phase difference increase which changes the interference pattern Amplitude (depth) of oscillations: A = sin22q A. Yu. Smirnov
Matter Effect: Refraction
L. Wolfenstein, 1978 ne e Elastic forward scattering Potentials Ve, Vm W V ~ eV inside the Earth for E = 10 MeV ne Difference of potentials is important for ne nm : e Ve- Vm = 2 GFne Refraction index: n - 1 = V / p Refraction length: ~ inside the Earth l0 = 2p / (Ve - Vm) n - 1 < inside the Sun = 2 p/GFne ~ inside the neutron star focusing of neutrinos fluxes by stars complete internal reflection, etc Neutrino optics
Neutrino eigenstates in matter
in vacuum: in matter: Effective Hamiltonean H0 H = H0 + V V = Ve - Vm Eigenstates n1, n2 n1m, n2m depend on ne, E m1, m2 m1m, m2m Eigenvalues m12/2E , m22/2E H1m, H2m Mixing in matter ne n1 n2m is determined with respect to eigenstates in matter n1m q n2 nm qm qm is the mixing angle in matter
Resonance ~ ~ In resonance: sin2 2qm sin2 2qm = 1 n n
Mixing in matter is maximal Level split is minimal sin2 2q = 0.08 sin2 2q = 0.825 ln = l0 cos 2q ~ Vacuum oscillation length ~ Refraction length For large mixing: cos 2q = the equality is broken the case of strongly coupled system shift of frequencies ln / l0 ~ n E Resonance width: DnR = 2nR tan2q Resonance layer: n = nR + DnR A Yu Smirnov
Level crossing n resonance Dependence of the neutrino eigenvalues
sin2 2q = 0.825 ne n2m Dependence of the neutrino eigenvalues on the matter potential (density) nm Large mixing ln l0 2E V Dm2 = n1m ln/ l0 V. Rubakov, private comm. N. Cabibbo, Savonlinna 1985 H. Bethe, PRL 57 (1986) 1271 sin2 2q = 0.08 ne ln l0 = cos 2q Small mixing n2m nm ln/ l0 Crossing point - resonance the level split in minimal the oscillation length is maximal n1m For maximal mixing: at zero density A Yu Smirnov
Two effects MSW Adiabatic Resonance enhancement (partially adiabatic)
neutrino conversion Resonance enhancement of neutrino oscillations Density profiles: Variable density Constant density Change of the phase difference between neutrino eigenstates Change of mixing, or flavor of the neutrino eigenstates Degrees of freedom: In general: Interplay of oscillations and adiabatic conversion MSW A Yu Smirnov
Oscillations in matter
In uniform matter (constant density) qm(E, n) = constant mixing is constant Flavors of the eigenstates do not change Admixtures of matter eigenstates do not change: no n1m <-> n2m transitions Oscillations Monotonous increase of the phase difference between the eigenstates Dfm as in vacuum n2m ne n1m Dfm = 0 Dfm = (H2 - H1) L Parameters of oscillations (depth and length) are determined by mixing in matter and by effective energy split in matter sin22q, ln sin22qm, lm
Resonance enhancement of oscillations
ne ne F0(E) F(E) Source Layer of matter with constant density, length L Detector k = p L/ l0 thin layer thick layer F (E) F0(E) k = 1 k = 10 sin2 2q = 0.824 sin2 2q = 0.824 E/ER E/ER A Yu Smirnov
Resonance enhancement of oscillations
ne ne F0(E) F(E) Source Layer of matter with constant density, length L Detector k = p L/ l0 thin layer thick layer F (E) F0(E) k = 1 k = 10 sin2 2q = 0.08 sin2 2q = 0.08 E/ER E/ER A Yu Smirnov
Resonance enhancement
layer of oscillations Continuity: neutrino and antineutrino semiplanes normal and inverted hierarchy P Oscillations (amplitude of oscillations) are enhanced in the resonance layer ln / l0 E = (ER - DER) -- (ER + DER) DER = ERtan 2q = ER0sin 2q ER0 = Dm2 / 2V P With increase of mixing: q -> p/4 ER -> 0 ln / l0 DER -> ER0 A Yu Smirnov
MSW: adiabatic conversion
H = H(t) depends on time Non-uniform matter density changes on the way of neutrinos: qm = qm(n e(t)) mixing changes in the course of propagation n1m n2m are no more the eigenstates of propagation -> n1m <-> n2m transitions ne = n e(t) However if the density changes slowly enough (adiabaticity condition) n1m <-> n2m transitions can be neglected Flavors of eigenstates change according to the density change determined by qm Admixtures of the eigenstates, n1m n2m, do not change fixed by mixing in the production point Phase difference increases according to the level split which changes with density MSW Effect is related to the change of flavors of the neutrino eigenstates in matter with varying density
Adiabaticity DrR > lR External conditions (density) dqm
change slowly so the system has time to adjust itself dqm dt Adiabaticity condition << 1 H2 - H1 transitions between the neutrino eigenstates can be neglected The eigenstates propagate independently n1m <--> n2m Crucial in the resonance layer: - the mixing angle changes fast - level splitting is minimal if vacuum mixing is small DrR > lR lR = ln/sin2q is the oscillation width in resonance DrR = nR / (dn/dx)R tan2q is the width of the resonance layer If vacuum mixing is large the point of maximal adiabaticity violation is shifted to larger dencities n(a.v.) -> nR0 > nR nR0 = Dm2/ 2 2 GF E
Adiabatic conversion and initial condition n0 < nR n0 > nR
The picture of conversion depends on how far from the resonance layer in the density scale the neutrino is produced n0 < nR n0 > nR n0 ~ nR nR - n0 >> DnR n0 - nR >> DnR Interplay of conversion and oscillations Oscillations with small matter effect Non-oscillatory conversion nR ~ 1/E All three possibilities are realized for the solar neutrinos in different energy ranges A Yu Smirnov
Adiabatic conversion n1m <--> n2m n0 >> nR P = sin2 q
Non-oscillatory transition n2m n1m n2 n1 interference suppressed Mixing suppressed Resonance n0 > nR Adiabatic conversion + oscillations n2m n1m n2 n1 n0 < nR Small matter corrections n2m n1m n2 n1 ne A. Yu. Smirnov
The MSW effect The picture of adiabatic conversion is universal in terms of variable y = (nR - n ) / DnR (no explicit dependence on oscillation parameters density distribution, etc.) Only initial value y0 matters. production point y0 = - 5 resonance survival probability oscillation band averaged probability (nR - n) / DnR (distance) A Yu Smirnov
Adiabaticity violation
Fast density change n2m n1m n0 >> nR n2m n1m n2 n1 Resonance ne Admixture of n1m increases
Solar Neutrinos n 4p + 2e- 4He + 2ne + 26.73 MeV Adiabatic conversion
in matter of the Sun electron neutrinos are produced F = cm-2 c-1 r : ( ) g/cc total flux at the Earth Oscillations in vacuum n Oscillations in matter of the Earth J.N. Bahcall
Large mixing MSW solution
solar data solar data + KamLAND P. de Holanda, A.S. sin2q13 = 0.0 Dm2 = eV2 Dm2 = eV2 tan2q = 0.40 tan2q = 0.41
Profile of the effect Adiabatic solution npp nBe nB
Survival probability Earth matter effect sin2q I III II ln / l0 ~ E Conversion with small oscillation effect Non-oscillatory transition Oscillations with small matter effect Conversion + oscillations A Yu Smirnov
Conversion inside the Sun
tan2q = 0.41, Dm2 = eV2 surface core survival probability survival probability resonance E = 14 MeV E = 2 MeV y y distance distance survival probability survival probability E = 6 MeV E = 0.86 MeV y y
LMA MSW solution An example: E = 10 MeV Resonance layer:
nR Ye = 20 g/cc RR= 0.24 Rsun In the production point: sin2qm0 = 0.94 cos2 qm0 = 0.06 n2m n1m Evolution of the eigenstate n2m Flavor of neutrino state follows density change
Inside the Earth. Regeneration
Oscillations in the matter of the Earth n2 n2 Regeneration of the ne flux core Day - Night asymmetry Variations of signal during nights (zenith angle dependence), Seasonal variations mantle Spectrum distortion Parametric effects for the core crossing trajectories
Inside the Earth freg Averaging of oscillations,
divergency of the wave packets incoherent fluxes of n1 and n2 arrive at the surface of the Earth n1 and n2 oscillate inside the Earth ln /l0 Regeneration of the ne flux ln /l0 ~ 0.03 E = 10 MeV P ~ sin2 q + freg freg ~ 0.5 sin 22q ln /l0 The Day -Night asymmetry: AND = freg/P ~ % Oscillations + adiabatic conversion distance A Yu Smirnov
Supernova neutrinos r ~ (1011 - 10 12 ) g/cc 0
E (ne) < E (ne) < E ( nx ) A Yu Smirnov
SN neutrinos and MSW effect
The MSW effect can be realized in very large interval of neutrino masses ( Dm2 ) and mixing Dm2 = ( ) eV2 sin2 2q = ( ) Very sensitive way to search for new (sterile) neutrino states A way to probe the hierarchy and value of s13 Type of the mass hierarchy The conversion effects strongly depend on Strength of the 1-3 mixing (s13) Small mixing angle realization of the MSW effect In the case of normal mass hierarchy: ne <-> nm /nt almost completely If 1-3 mixing is not too small s132 > F(ne) = F0( nm) hard ne- spectrum strong non-oscillatory conversion is driven by 1-3 mixing No earth matter effect in ne - channel but in ne - channel Neutronization ne - peak disappears
SN87A and the Earth matter effect
C.Lunardini A.S. p F(ne) = F0(ne) + p DF0 p = (1 - P1e) is the permutation factor P1e is the probability of n1-> ne transition inside the Earth DF0 = F0(nm) - F0(ne) p depends on distance traveled by neutrinos inside the earth to a given detector: 4363 km Kamioka d = km IMB 10449 km Baksan p Can partially explain the difference of energy distributions of events detected by Kamiokande and IMB: at E ~ 40 MeV the signal is suppressed at Kamikande and enhanced at IMB
Shock Wave Effect The shock wave can reach the region
relevant for the neutrino conversion R.C. Schirato, G.M. Fuller, astro-ph/ r ~ 104 g/cc During s from the beginning of the burst Influences neutrino conversion if sin 2q13 > 10-5 The effects are in the neutrino (antineutrino) for normal (inverted) hierarchy: h - resonance change the number of events R.C. Schirato, G.M. Fuller, astro-ph/ ``wave of softening of spectrum’’ K. Takahashi et al, astro-ph/ delayed Earth matter effect Density profile with shock wave propagation at various times post-bounce C.Lunardini, A.S., hep-ph/
Monitoring shock wave with neutrinos
G. Fuller Studying effects of the shock wave on the properties of neutrino burst one can get (in principle) information on time of propagation velocity of propagation shock wave revival time density gradient in the front size of the front Can shed some light on mechanism of explosion
Summary Two matter effects: Resonance enhancement of oscillations:
I. Resonance enhancement of oscillation in matter with constant density Two matter effects: 2. Adiabatic (quasi-adiabatic) conversion in medium with varying density (MSW) (a number of other matter effects exist) Can be realized for neutrinos propagating in the matter of the Earth (atmospheric neutrinos, accelerator LBL experiments, SN neutrinos ...) Resonance enhancement of oscillations: Provides the solution of the solar neutrino problem Large mixing MSW effect: Determination of oscillation parameters Dm q12 Can be realized in supernova for 1-3 mixing probe of 1-3 mixing, type of mass hierarchy astrophysics, monitoring of a shock wave Small mixing MSW effect: A Yu Smirnov
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