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Strategic Project on VET Provision: Continuing Professional Development of VET Teachers and Trainers Pathfinding for Professional Development for vocational.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Project on VET Provision: Continuing Professional Development of VET Teachers and Trainers Pathfinding for Professional Development for vocational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Project on VET Provision: Continuing Professional Development of VET Teachers and Trainers
Pathfinding for Professional Development for vocational teachers and trainers through virtual networking and digital and on line learning (DOL) in Montenegro October 2017

2 project aim Support the development of effective and sustainable virtual communities for the professional development of VET teachers in Montenegro: Mapping the existing state of play with respect to the use of virtual networks that serve the professional development of VET teachers or trainers Identifying the actors and describe potential pilot network(s) that could be developed Support awareness raising and understanding of virtual networks for professional development, champion their use and engage potential participants.

3 METHODOLOGY II comprehensive web research
I consultation with key stakeholders Ministry of Education Centre for Vocational Education Bureau for Educational Services School principals and vice principals VET teachers, pedagogists International initiatives (donors, projects) and businesses II comprehensive web research Identifing, examing and collecting relevant information about the virtual networks: Web-based sources and Social media

4 summary of findings Mapping the existing state of play with respect to the use of virtual networks that serve the professional development of VET teachers or trainers

Government and agency websites are providing the information, news and materials to support teaching and learning, curriculum and related papers, as well as the legislation documents A portal (Skolski Portal) exists to support ICT coordinators in relation to MEIS and also more generally teachers from pre-primary, elementary and secondary education Majority of the VET schools have web-sites and associated Facebook pages There are examples of e-learning platforms designed at the school level used by VET teachers and students There is no platform that enables vocational teachers to share, exchange teaching and learning materials, or a website that offer e-Learning arrangements A significant number of donor-funded web-sites and platforms were developed during the lifetime of the various projects but, the administration and maintenance remain the common problem after the project is finished

6 TEACHER’S participation and effectiveness of ON-LINE networking
The commonly used channels and networking tools among teachers are traditional communication channels, , and social networks (predominantly Facebook) Due to the similarity between languages in the Balkan region, a significant number of teachers are networking with colleagues from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Using the resources and networking with colleagues from Europe/world is limited due to the language barriers Most existing online communities (mostly networks for communication) are result of initiatives and voluntary work of local teachers (majority of them are elementary education teachers) Participation and effectiveness of networking are constrained by lack of motivation on the part of teachers, lack of time and over-load with administrative tasks

Ownership and operation Scope and audience

8 four main types of websiteS in Montenegro
Ownership and operation Government or national agency Initiatives and projects (managed by national agency) Schools Groups of teachers Scope and audience National: across teachers and subjects Those teachers involved in an initiative, project or particular profile Teachers, students and parents of that school Teachers that share an interest, e.g. a Facebook group

9 School Portal – Portal for Teachers
a platform targeting all teaching and non-teaching staff from Montenegro elementary and secondary educational institutions The portal is hosted at the Ministry of Education server Administration, as well as quality assurance mechanisms are shared responsibility between Ministry of Education, regional and school ICT coordinators A network of institutions is involved and is contributing to the Skolski portal development: Ministry of Education, Elementary, secondary general and VET schools, Bureau for Educational Services, VET Centre Significant numbers of teachers are already consuming currently available content Forum is used only by ICT coordinators and representatives from ICT department in the Ministry of Education Some subjects/VET sectors well supported (Tourism and Catering, ICT, etc.), while some aren’t supported at all Portal doesn’t offer functions to support teacher’s networking (discussion pages, chat rooms, etc.) and widgets that allow connections to social media Professional development training/courses are not included LMS and online conferencing system that allows for webinars and online meetings is not integrated

10 Bureau for Educational Services
the main web-site of the government institution responsible for all pre- university levels of general education and general part of the curriculum for VET The portal is hosted at the Government of Montenegro server so it does not lead to additional costs. Administration is an established responsibility of the Bureau. Clear and defined maintenance and administration hierarchy and structure Many pre-university teachers (pre-primary, primary and secondary general education) are already consuming currently available content from web-site Web-site serves as the main hub for all education related news, information, events and resources related to general education Little content specifically targeting VET teachers. Most of the available resources are grouped per topic/area Limited number of good-practice examples from VET schools available Limited or no information about the professional development opportunities available (or other portals) other then the activities undertaken by Bureau

11 Service Centre for Training Firms
established by Centre for vet Education within ECO NET Project IMPLEMENTED BY KULTUR KONTAKT AUSTRIA WITH THE AIM TO support national training firm network Clearly defined coordination structure, roles and responsibilities. VET Centre has clear administrative responsibility and has sustained website since donor funding ended in 2011 Well known web-site among students, teachers and trainers involved in training firms and good potential for further promotion Well structured, easy search and access for most of the resources available Traditional training and web-site content well connected and complementary Lack of functions allowing interactivity and direct communication among web-site consumers and/or VET Centre (Service Centre coordination personnel) Professional development training/courses are not included Widgets that allow connections to social media are not available Platform is only used by special group of teachers

12 Online Platform Entrepreneurial School
a platform for networking of students, teachers and schools implementing Entrepreneurship key competence Big number of registered/involved teachers and students with potential for growth The unique platform managed by a governmental institution supporting interactive, direct communication between involved participants and possibility to upload downloadable content Excellent link between face-to-face training, forum discussions and documents available Technical issues causing delay and difficulties in access Platform is developed and maintenance by third-party commercial IT company which requires additional expenses for resolving technical issues and or/upgrading VET schools not involved at the satisfactory level Functions that allows on line training not integrated

13 Secondary VET school “Spasoje Raspopovic” Podgorica
a source of information for students, parents, teachers, local and national stakeholders and business community Financed by school, with clear roles and responsibilities related to the content development, uploading and overall web-site management; Updated regularly with all information relevant for target groups Friendly design and easy to navigate web-site, categorized to maximize the visibility of the content relevant for wider society, students, potential students and parents The web-site is well promoted and known by students, teachers, parents and local/national partners and business community. The social network (Facebook) page well connected with the web-site and updated on a regular basis Downloadable lectures available for students Content related to the professional development of teachers not available Luck of functions allowing interactivity and direct communication either between teachers or between teachers and learners

14 Secondary and post secondary VET school “Sergije Stanic ”Podgorica
a source of information for students, parents, teachers, local and national stakeholders and business community Financed by school, with clear roles and responsibilities related to the content development, uploading and overall web-site management Easy to navigate and updated regularly The social network (Facebook) page connected with the web-site Content related to the professional development of teachers not available Lack of functions allowing interactivity and direct communication between teachers or between teachers and students

NETWORKS TARGETING GENERAL PUBLIC AND PROFESSIONALS (ALL EDUCATION STAFF) School Portal – Portal for Teachers Bureau for Educational Services NETWORKS FOR A PARTICULAR INITIATIVE OR PROJECT Service Centre for Training Firms Online Platform Entrepreneurial School SCHOOL-LEVEL NETWORKS AND WEB-SITES Secondary VET school “Spasoje Raspopovic” Podgorica Secondary and post secondary VET school “Sergije Stanic ”Podgorica NETWORKS ACROSS SCHOOLS RUN BY TEACHERS Facebook or other social media

16 Tasks What should be the main purpose of each of the four kinds of platform? How can each kind of platform be developed or sustained?

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