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How to search Medline & Zoological Record

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1 How to search Medline & Zoological Record

2 How can I access Medline/Zoological record
Medline & Zoological Record can be accessed from: Jotello F Soga Library’s “ Virtual Library in your office” ( The complete list of databases of the University of Pretoria (

3 1.
2. Click on “Veterinary databases” Or “Library in your office”

4 Scroll down and click on “Medline”

5 Scroll down and click on “Zoological record”

6 Enter your student/ personnel number
You must be a registered Library user. If not, please complete a Library registration form and to: or Fax to: Enter your student/ personnel number ( e.g ) If you have a PIN type it here. If not click on SUBMIT and choose a new PIN on the next page

7 Select a database by double-clicking on it.

8 How to construct a search
Plan your search strategy before you start your search Formulate your information need e.g. Stress factors in dairy cattle in South Africa Select the important keywords from this sentence e.g. stress, dairy, cattle , South Africa Always think of all the synonyms of words or terms e.g. (dairy or milk), (cattle or bovine or cow or cows) Combine your terms with and e.g. (dairy or milk) and (cattle or bovine or cow or cows) and “south africa” Keep your search simple. Remember your Boolean operators (and, or, not). Keep in mind the different American and English spelling. Two (or more) terms that are always used together, in the same order, can be use as a term. (e.g. “babesia canis” and treatment)

9 Boolean operators AND OR NOT
Use AND to retrieve records containing both search terms: all terms must be included in the record. Use AND to narrow your search and retrieve fewer records. Example: elephants AND lions retrieve records containing both the keywords.   OR Use OR to retrieve records containing either or both search terms. Use OR to broaden your search and retrieve a greater number of records. Use OR for synonyms or spelling variations. Remember always to put your terms in brackets when using "or" e.g. (dog or dog or canine)  Example 1: milk OR dairy retrieves records containing either milk or dairy, or both the keywords. Example 3: behavior OR behaviour   NOT Use NOT to exclude certain items from your search. Caution: It is easy to exclude relevant terms; use the NOT operator with care! Example 1: “dog” not “tick” (will retrieve all articles containing the word dog, but will exclude all articles containing the word tick)

10 Enter a keyword or keywords using Boolean operators
Searches may be done on Author’s names A search may be done on a journal title

11 Enter a search term and click on Search

12 Results of the previous keyword
Type the next keyword (note the use of a Boolean operator) … …and click on “Search”

13 Searches can now be combined using “and“ or “or”

14 The number of results retrieved

15 Scroll down to view the results.
Number of results displayed per page can be changed.

16 Records can be selected for further use
Abstract or Full text (if available) can be viewed by clicking on the link

17 Results can be refined by using the left hand column

18 Results can be selected or used as a set
Results can be printed Results can be selected or used as a set

19 Complete the 3 fields and click on Print Preview

20 Results can be printed or saved from this page

21 Results can be sent by Email Results can be selected or used as a set

22 Complete the 4 fields and click on Send Email

23 Results can be Exported to a reference managing software e.g. Refworks
Results can be selected or used as a set

24 Select Refworks in the Export To window
Complete the other 3 fields and click on Export Citation

25 Please feel free to contact the library if you have any suggestions or questions

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