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The High Middle Ages 1000 AD -1300 AD.

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1 The High Middle Ages 1000 AD AD

2 High Middle Ages characterized by:
Farming was improving: Iron Plow, Harness (replaced the Yoke) for Horse, which led to more food be produced on less land, creating a food surplus, which frees up more people to do other things than grow food.

3 Middle Ages 2. Revival of learning: Begin to build schools again called “colleges”, people outside of church began learning to read and write again, and townsmen began benefiting most from this. Only wealthy clergy and nobility went to colleges

4 High Middle Ages 3. Revival of Towns and Trade: People begin to trade excess goods and towns become an important part of society

5 High Middle Ages 4. Feudalism begins to decline and a new economic system based on trade and money(market economy, capitalism) is being born.

6 Decline of Feudalism 3 Readings/Handouts
The Crusades(Book pg. 33, R8 in back of book) 1.What were the crusades? Who was involved? Who Fought? When did they fight? What fighting for? 2.Who/What are the major people/events of the Crusades? What were the effects of the crusades? -Feudalism? -growth of trade and towns? -European knowledge and technology? The Hundred Years War (HO) The Black Death (pg 33. R9 in back of book)

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