Our learning so far… Beautiful Bags!.

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Presentation on theme: "Our learning so far… Beautiful Bags!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our learning so far… Beautiful Bags!

2 We have… We have looked at existing products and thought about the user of the bag and the purpose of the product. We have taken bags apart to look at the component parts and thought about how they have been constructed.

3 Our discovery… When bags are constructed…
Flat 2D shapes are put together – usually sewn - to make 3D shapes and structures. This is called a pattern

4 Where else can we apply our learning?
That fits really well into our maths work on 3D shape and how we can make nets from 2D shape and use them to make 3D shapes.

5 Taking our learning forward.
We are going to use a piece of software that will extend our understanding about nets and pattern pieces.

6 Your challenge today is,
to explore this program and produce a pattern for a bag.

7 Success criteria Make sure you are working in metric units.
Think about the size of the bag you are making. Would the size fit the purpose? Move the pattern pieces around to ensure you have made the best use of paper. Would a pocket help? – your users needs must be considered.

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