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Romanticism Romantic period: 1785-1830.

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism Romantic period: 1785-1830."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanticism Romantic period:

2 In the late 18th Century, early 19th century, political and social issues became dominant themes in romantic poetry. Major themes of romantic art and literature included a love of the atmospheric landscape and the gothic and folk traditions. As romantic literature developed, it led to imagination being praised over reason, emotion over logic, and intuition over science. This all led to literature being filled with more emotion.

3 Love for nature Persona- person speaking in poem (often a visionary or prophet, not necessarily the poet) Pantheism- writing from the soul - elaborate, not always literal Demonic, subjective, personal, irrational and emotional (overflow of feelings) Sometimes about love

4 Love for nature A common topic Nature was used to express, develop or initiate their own feelings- a stimulus for thought. Engaged in a quest: if it failed, it proved how great their ambition was.

5 Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley were Romantics!

6 You have been given an extract as a group
You have been given an extract as a group. You need to complete the following: What is Victor’s mood in the extract? How does he describe the weather? How is the weather therefore reflective of the mood?

7 Language Analysis Question
Explore Shelley’s influence of the romantic period in chapter 7

8 Read the first two pages of chapter 10
Task: Closely read the extract again. Draw the description of the landscape given, annotating your drawing with relevant quotes from the extract.

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