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Arabidopsis cell fate. Arabidopsis cell fate.

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2 Arabidopsis cell fate


4 Auxin gradients are formed and maintained by the PIN transporters
PIN7 early apical side of basal cell (2-cell stage) then switches to basal side of suspensor cells PIN1 throughout cell early then localized to basal side of provascular cells PIN4 hypophyseal lineage and vascular initials PIN3 root pole (heart stage)

5 Auxin distribution (DR5, an ARF -auxin response element)

6 Auxin transport

7 Basal/root development

8 monopteros: ARF auxin response factor

9 Bodenlos and Monopteros

10 BDL is IAA12, a gene involved in auxin response
bld1 is a GA transition resulting in a Pro74Ser exchange Pro74 is in the highly conserved domain II comparable mutations have been found in homologs IAA3 (shy2-2) and IAA7 (Axr2-1) This mutation increases stability of the proteins!! Transformation with BDL does not rescue the phenotype The phenotype is dependent on copy number domains III and IV are involved in homomeric and heteromeric interactions

11 BDL is nuclear-localized (GFP fusion)
GFP-BDL is strongly localized to punctate locations within the nucleus If BDL is truncated (66-72aa) it becomes localized equally in the nucleus and cytoplasm (data not shown) A,D 35S::GFP-BDL B,E GFP+nuclear signal (positive control) C,F GFP+nuclear export transient expression in parsley protoplasts

12 BDL binds to MP (ARF5) 1) BDL+MP C-terminus
2) GNOM+MP C-terminus (negative control) 3) BDL+BDL (homomer) 4) empty vector (negative control) Yeast two-hybrid system 2 part to the GAL-4 (beta-galactosidase) activator Half is one protein, half to the other If they interact  transcription and beta-galactosidase activity

13 BDL and MP are co-localized (most of the time)
in situ (RNA) not protein A-D BDL E-H MP I BDL J-L MP Neither is expressed in the lens-shaped cell or hypophysis where they presumably are active

14 in situ hybrization Complemetary oligonucleotide to desired RNA
Tag with small molecule or protein Enyzme linked target binds tag Chemical reaction at enzyme causes "detection" of the RNA

15 Summary PIN transporter cause accumulation of auxin in forming root pole ARFs are presumably required for differentiation AUX/IAA (BDL/MP) heteromer inhibits ARF (sets up and maintains meristem identity) auxin activates SCF-TIR (E3-ligase  proteasome) SCF-TIR causes degradation of ARF ARF transcription repression is released Cell undergoes terminal differentiation

16 Conclusions Possible mode of action:
Transport from site of synthesis to site of action (like short-root)? Activation of auxin response gene that mediates response in adjacent cell??

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