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David Brokenshire, Jurika Shakya, and Vive Kumar

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Presentation on theme: "David Brokenshire, Jurika Shakya, and Vive Kumar"— Presentation transcript:

1 David Brokenshire, Jurika Shakya, and Vive Kumar
Providing Information for Mixed Initiative Interaction via Interoperable User Modelling David Brokenshire, Jurika Shakya, and Vive Kumar This work supported by NSERC (LORNet) and SSHRC (LearningKit)

2 Ontology

3 + communication

4 interoperability

5 Reuse of Data & Systems


7 adaptor






13 Who Is this?

14 Agent

15 general

16 Who cares?

17 What for?

18 User Modelling

19 Research Disease

20 Solitary

21 They can’t talk

22 They should

23 getting knowledge

24 hard

25 Cold start

26 need

27 knowledge

28 now

29 help

30 time

31 bother

32 I care

33 user modelling



36 should you care?

37 mixed initiative

38 uses

39 user modelling


41 but still

42 doesn’t

43 share

44 example

45 bother

46 fleming, cohen, et al

47 agents

48 models

49 bother

50 users

51 but…

52 my agents

53 bother

54 your users

55 without you knowing


57 so let’s share

58 enough example (for now)

59 how does it work?



62 models

63 communicate

64 via

65 agents

66 using

67 ontologies

68 proposal

69 Community of agents

70 Discoverable online

71 Using FIPA/JADE

72 provide access

73 user models & data

74 agent architecture

75 two main parts

76 user model agent

77 data to information agent (adaptor)

78 plus ontology/extender agent

79 now some detail

80 Data Source

81 has information you want

82 raw, unprocessed

83 no idea you want it

84 Data to Information Agent

85 an adaptor

86 knows how to access a Data Source

87 but converts to ontology

88 makes data available

89 User Model Agent

90 connects user model to the world

91 also converts to ontology

92 but can answer more questions

93 Ontology Agent

94 provides mappings between ontologies

95 key to interoperability

96 scenario

97 connecting MI-Edna and Helper’s Assistant

98 MI-Edna

99 model of SRL

100 with ontology

101 Helper’s Assistant

102 needs context information


104 Create User Model Agent for MI-Edna

105 How?

106 Take default agent behaviour

107 extend

108 UMA takes ontology based requests

109 Makes calls to MI-Edna UM

110 Returns ontology results


112 Create User Model Agent for Helper’s Assistant

113 Same process, but

114 no existing ontology!

115 Two choices

116 Make a new ontology

117 Use MI-Edna’s ontology

118 Assume same ontology

119 Helper’s Assistant User Model Agent must

120 connect to Helper’s Assistant and

121 Convert MI-Edna ontology to calls


123 But what if HA has its own ontology?

124 Build user model agent for Helper’s Assistant ontology

125 But now…


127 No Common Ontology!

128 Need mapping! (This is key!)

129 Ontology Agent

130 common ontology or mapping allows interoperability

131 agnostic

132 rapidly developing

133 somebody else’s problem

134 that’s the basics…

135 to summarize

136 Ontology

137 + communication

138 interoperability

139 Reuse of Data & Systems

140 propose

141 models

142 communicate

143 via

144 Community of agents

145 Discoverable online

146 Using FIPA/JADE

147 Where are we now?

148 Prototype implemented

149 Connects to SPARC ePortfolios

150 What does the future hold?

151 problems to solve

152 privacy

153 security

154 Connecting our systems

155 SPARC ePortfolios

156 MI-Edna

157 gStudy + gLiza

158 MI-Games

159 Helper’s Assistant

160 Questions?

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