Université 8 mai 1945 – GUELMA, ALGERIA

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1 Salon Presentation SUSI on US Foreign Policy Bard College, New York 2017 Dr Abdelkrim Dekhakhena

2 Université 8 mai 1945 – GUELMA, ALGERIA
The Algerian Association for American Studies AAAS Université 8 mai 1945 – GUELMA, ALGERIA

3 Dual Objectives: a- Academic Enlightenment b- Civic Engagement
AAAS Dual Objectives: a- Academic Enlightenment b- Civic Engagement

4 AAAS Academic Enlightenment:
AAAS will be dedicated to creating an open, diverse, and dynamic intellectual space that supports Algerian Scholars in scholarly work and professional careers. Creating a forum where the wide multidisciplinary academia can exchange and disseminate information, and raise awareness of the value of American studies. encouraging the study of and research in all areas of American studies (civilization, literature, culture, society, politics and government). promoting the integration of academics and researchers in American Studies.

5 AAAS Academic Enlightenment: to bring together teachers and researchers in our area of expertise in order to promote exchanges in research and encourage teaching initiatives. designing curriculum instruction and assessment for diverse learners and participating in consultations with faculty members and the instances of the government.

6 AAAS The Civic engagement activities
promoting cooperation and intercommunication between Algerian scholars of American Studies, and related disciplines. contributing to the emergence and definition of specific Algerian viewpoints on the society and culture of the United States. facilitating contacts and distributing relevant information among its members. and promote academic alliances and exchange between Algerian and foreign scholars.

7 AAAS To this end, AAAS will organize conferences, seminars and other activities; encourage Algerian scholars to conduct research in the United States; collaborate with the United States Embassy to bring prominent American scholars to Algeria; And establish academic contact and collaboration with foreign universities in the field.

8 AAAS Challenges: Diverse
1- Bureaucratic: use of institutional facilities and resources and public spaces requires legal and political support (faculty buildings and land, public institutions). 2- Disparities in Motivation/Willingness to Serve/Volunteer: three major factors can act as drivers and inhibiters of an individual’s willingness to volunteer: availability of discretionary time, personal preferences, and available personal resources. 3- Geographical/Regional: Location of the association is important for meetings and contact.

9 AAAS 4- Information and Marketing: Another challenge to increasing volunteering and service is to assure that the opportunities for and benefits of participation in programs are well disseminated across academe.

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