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Functional English.

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Presentation on theme: "Functional English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functional English

2 This Week Feedback on speaking and listening Targets
Read/write software Writing task Plans for upcoming weeks

3 Time Frame - Wednesday 17 November – first part / second part of the speaking and listening assessment / complete the writing task 24 November – Revise / Text types and layout 30 November – Mock Papers / Review / Feedback 8 December – writing exams L1 15 December – Catch up for S&L / Spelling competition

4 Read Write Software Log on the computer Select read write
Open any document Follow my instructions

5 Children in Need Your Task: Research Children in Need
Decide what fundraising activity you would like to hold Produce two written documents

6 Persuasive Writing Appeal to your audience
Make sure you have included all information requested Meet the word count, add detail Clear, concise, Spelling Punctuation Grammar

7 Writing Tasks Entry 2/3 – 100 – 150 words
You want to raise money for Children in Need whilst at college. Produce a poster promoting your fundraising activity telling everyone where, when and what it is. Write a note to your friends asking them to help you with your fundraising activity and to join in the fun too. Remember to tell them why you are raising the money, how much you want to raise and who the charity are.

8 Children in Need Level 1 – 250 words
Write a letter asking permission to hold a fundraising activity in the college. Remember to mention the date, time and place as well as the activity taking place and who is involved. Write an article for the college newsletter promoting this fundraising activity encouraging as many people as possible to join you in either the fundraising or in sponsoring you. You also need students to come along and encourage you to raise the money. Encourage everyone to join you.

9 Children in Need Writing Tasks
Level 2 – 300 words each (1hour) Write a formal letter asking permission to hold a fundraising activity in college on Children In Need Day. Explain in detail how you going to raise the money, which facilities you want to use, how long for and who is involved. Write a speech to give to your vocational group encouraging them to support you with your fundraising activity. Tell them about Children in Need and why they should participate.

10 Any Questions? Use computers – spell check can be used
all documents to me – Two documents in 1 hour

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