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Programming Final Project

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1 Programming Final Project
Exploring Computer Science

2 Choices A project about your community. A game

3 My Community Project You will use Scratch to make a project about your community. You will use blocks like broadcast in your project. You should have at least three different pages or scenes in this project. Decide on one positive thing that you want to highlight and one thing you want to improve about your community. Then find at least one statistic to backup your conclusions. Also include at least one personal comment/recording and one picture. Lastly, you should have at least one observation from someone else in the class about the topic – this means you will have to ask them what they think and either record it or write it down.

4 My Community Project Rubric
Points The Content 1 title slide 5 3 scenes or more (+5) (not including the title) 15 (20?) 1 or more (+5) positive things in the community that you want to highlight 5 (10?) 1 or more (+5) things in the community that you would like to improve Statistics to back up your conclusions 6 A personal comment/recording A personal picture A comment/recording from someone else in the class The Program Use broadcast to change each scene and title 12 Scenes only show sprites that are supposed to be in that scene 9 Program starts and restarts when green flag is clicked 10 The Presentation Show and explain the contents of each scene in your project Explain how each scene changes (how the program works) Peer Grading Extra Credit Have the best project as voted on by peers TOTAL: 100 Rubric

5 Chicago Data Resources
Hunger Chicago Food Depository - ame=hunger_research Education: CPS Stats and Facts - glance/Pages/Stats_and_facts.aspx CPS School Data -

6 Chicago Data Resources
Homelessness Chicago Coalition for the Homeless - studies All Chicago - misconceptions/facts-misconceptions The Chicago Help Initiative - guests/ Crime: The NeighborhoodScout® Crime Rates - ABC News - Chicago Gang Violence: By The Numbers Crime rate in Chicago - Chicago-Illinois.html

7 Game Create a game that meets the requirements in the rubric
This game must be different from Rock Paper Scissors, the “Bouncing Balls Game”, the “Dog Catches Game”, the “Monkey Game” and the “Pinball Game”.

8 Do you have? Points The Game Title slide with game name and your name 5 Let the player know if they’ve won (or earned an acceptable/max. # of points…) 10 and by how much (or what that acceptable/max. number is) Let the player know if they’ve lost (or not earned an acceptable/max. # of points) Keep score Have a timer Have a help screen with directions The game resets to the title slide when the green flag is clicked The game stops when it is over Game gets harder as you keep playing, i.e.more than one level…more than 2 (+5) 10 (15?) Use broadcast to change scenes/slides The Presentation Description of the game explaining how it was programmed using Scratch (what blocks you used, etc.) 18 Peer Grading 12 Extra Credit Have the best project as voted on by peers TOTAL: 100

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