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How & Where to Find Clients

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1 How & Where to Find Clients
From Blogger to Freelance Writer

2 How to Find Ideal Writing Clients
Okay so now that you’ve created your writer’s portfolio, found your niche, and gotten rid of any negative concepts about how much you’re going to charge (not $10!!), you’re ready to go out into the world and find clients. Finding freelance writing jobs is actually sooo easy! It’s just a matter of knowing how to find clients and how to pitch them so that you’ll get the job.

3 My Background... A lil’ backstory about me: My childhood dream was to become a writer. I grew up, like we all do, with limiting beliefs about who and what we could become in the world so my dream of “making a living” from writing was stifled and stomped out. Three years ago when I first ventured online I was completely lost as to where to go to find clients and then maybe about a year and a half ago I realized that literally every business needs a writer! Seriously--think about it! Everything you read or hear in this world was written by a writer, from the signs on the street to the labels on your cans of soup, there was a writer behind it.

4 Free Freelance Writing Job Boards
One of the best places to look and see the abundance of writing jobs is Whenever I want to gauge how the market is for a certain job title, I go to Indeed. Just check out all of these blogging jobs that are available on the market right now. Another really great place to find clients is to use the free tool to search all of the Craigslist sites in one click. Of course you have to use Freelance Writing Gigs’s free job boards ! I love these job boards because they have some really amazing gigs with people who actually pay decent prices. Another free job board with amazing quality gigs is Problogger’s job board.

5 Paid Freelance Writing Job Boards
You know that saying, “you get what you pay for”? Well it’s true! Paid job boards are going to get you money faster than free job boards. Why? Because it’s less competition. I’ve told many people about these job boards and they felt like they couldn’t afford the $30-$40 per month. Let me tell you, if you want success in your business in the near future, you have to spend money. I’m not saying you have to spend tons of cash on a coach, branding and a website, but what I am saying is that you’re going to need to spend at least $50-$100 bucks!

6 Paid Freelance Writing Job Boards
If you’re like me, you probably can’t afford it and you have a husband (or frugal spouse) that is on your tail about your impulse buying. I get it! The best rebuttal I can say to that is believe that the money you spend will come back 10-fold!! You have to believe though or it won’t happen...and you have to have a plan to make money. You know you already don’t have it to spend, so spending the money on these paid freelance writing will put some fire under your butt to actually take action. Here we go…

7 Paid Freelance Writing Job Boards
Paid to Blog Job Board is $30 per month and is AMAZING! In the first month I bought this, I landed a gig that was nearly 10K per year and basically paid my monthly membership forever! I will say that everything that’s on this board is on the internet somewhere but this saves you hours in looking for real and viable jobs by having it all in one place. Contena Pro is a job board with higher paying jobs. They have a free version and a paid version. (Check out how Zina Kumok consistently scores $1000 clients on Contena). It didn’t work for me because I wasn’t finding jobs in my writing niches, but there are a lot of gems on this board. And like I said previously, there are higher paying jobs on this board.

8 Paid Freelance Writing Job Boards
Freelance Writing Den is an amazing community of writers that have a junk free writing board. It’s hosted by Carol Tice who has taught me 90% of everything I know about freelance writing for free! She has a membership that is only $25 per month and then a 2x membership for $139 per month. Hire My Mom Job Board is $30 per quarter which is $10 per month so there’s no excuse as to why you shouldn’t sign up for this one. It is really a virtual assistant job board (hands down the best one out there) but sometimes they have content writer or blogging jobs available.

9 A Warning About Content Mills …
Don’t do it! Content mills are websites like Upwork ...I can’t even name any because I don’t use them! Anyways, content mills are sites where you create an account and you can bid for writing jobs that literally pay a couple of dollars up to usually $10 per post. It’s like freelance writing slave work. You do all the work of a $100 project for $5 and you just feel completely discouraged.

10 A Warning About Content Mills …
When I first started out I was a victim of content mills and it made me almost give up. The amount of work I was doing for the amount of money was super discouraging! Fiverr is another place where you can set up shop and have clients in the next couple of weeks, but I wouldn’t recommend it because there are so many people who will write articles for $5-$10 (that’s why it’s called fiverr--people perform internet services for $5 bucks!) and I just felt like it was a race to the bottom. You don’t want to be in a place where you have to compete against a ton of other people or bid for projects because it just puts you in a position to charge less than what you’re worth.

11 Another Way to Find Your Ideal Client
What’s an ideal client? An ideal client is someone who knows your worth, is willing and able to pay that price, needs exactly what you’re offering (or what you want to offer), appreciates you, and is trustworthy. With you setting all of these standards you’re going to come across many clients that will not fit the role of your ideal client and that’s OKAY! Another really great way to find your ideal clients is to pitch people that YOU want to work with. So if you have personal finance bloggers that you follow, maybe pitch them your ghostwriting services. You already love their blog and can probably emulate their voice very easily.

12 Another Way to Find Your Ideal Client
Also, if you’re a personal finance blogger for example, you could search for personal finance magazines and publications and cold pitch them. More on pitching your clients in the next lesson!

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