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World Weather Research Programme SSC meeting October 2016

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1 World Weather Research Programme SSC meeting October 2016
Actions List from previous SSC meeting Paolo Ruti, World Weather Research Division

2 2. Implementation Plan 2016-2023:
1. PPP membership: New members of PPP SG. DONE 2 new members from social science component, and 1 new member leading a EU project on Arctic 2. Implementation Plan : Draft version posted by Apr 2016 end EC-68 related document DONE approved by EC68 3. Transition of S2S research to applications: Inputs to CBS meetings and attendance if possible Contribution to GDPFS document, requesting one S2S member to be part of CBS expert team on Operational Prediction from Sub-seasonal to Longer Time scale (ET-OPSLS) Oystein will be there representing CAS 4. Prioritize link between PPP and S2S research Update S2S teleconnection subproject research plan Done available on line

3 5. Regional dimension of S2S research activities:
Side event at EC-68 DONE during EC68 new ECMWF director general was attending the event. Two regional sub-projects (India and South America) have been prepared and proposed to GFCS new implementation plan 6. Starting phase of HIW project: Attendees list, stakeholders and donors during kick off meeting Available on line 7. Connections with relevant WCRP initiatives on extremes: Invitation to GEWEX representative to take part in HIW kick off Jan Polcher was part of the meeting (Global Hydroclimate Project)

4 8. PDEF co-chair: 9. NMR WG, RDP and FDP:
Letter of appointment DONE 9. NMR WG, RDP and FDP: Short proposal to be prepared for next SSC To be discussed under the new Implementation Plan 10. Optimal management of FDP/RDP: ToR within Implementation Plan See 9 11. Wx Modification review: Elements to be reported during next WGNE meeting Done

5 13. PDEF and DAOS collaboration:
12. Aviation Research: Preparation of ad-hoc decision for EC-68 Done in collaboration with Aviation Chief – big workshop in 2017 to plan new research core project 13. PDEF and DAOS collaboration: Common plan to be discussed during next WG meetings in Exeter, 2016 Interactions during HIW meeting 14. TM and links to other international activties: Letter of endorsment has been sent Endorsement procedures to be discussed

6 Thank you Merci

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