Impella 2.5® Device Is Associated with Improved Survival in AMICS

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1 Impella 2.5® Device Is Associated with Improved Survival in AMICS
In the setting of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) cardiogenic shock (CS), Impella prior to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been associated with a survival benefit. To assess outcomes of patients supported with Impella 2.5 prior to and after PCI on unprotected left main coronary artery (ULMCA) culprit lesion in AMICS. This was a retrospective analysis of 36 consecutive patients in the cVAD Registry supported with Impella 2.5 for AMICS who underwent PCI on ULMCA culprit lesion. Baseline characteristics were comparable between the pre- PCI group (n=20) and post-PCI group (n=16). Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and greater coronary disease burden were more frequent in the pre-PCI group, but this group had significantly better survival to discharge (55.0% vs 18.8%). Kaplan Meier 30-day survival analysis showed poor survival in post-PCI group (48.1% vs 12.5%). Impella 2.5 support before PCI on an ULMCA culprit lesion correlates with survival benefit in patients supported for AMICS. Survival rates represent Kaplan-Meier estimates. Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival through 30 days on the entire cohort (n=36) comparing the Pre-PCI group (n=20) and the Post-PCI group (n=16). Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival through 30 days on patients who did not present with anoxic brain injury prior to Impella 2.5 support (n=25) comparing the Pre-PCI group (n=13) and the Post-PCI group (n=12). IM Meraj PM et al. J Interv Cardiol

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