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Information Session Maggie Davies.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Session Maggie Davies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Session Maggie Davies

2 The Adoption and Permanent Foster Carer Process
Welcome The Adoption and Permanent Foster Carer Process Questions and Answers

3 Initial Home Visit An opportunity to get to know you better and for you to hear more about the children who are waiting for new families. Following this, the information is presented to the Adoption & Permanency Team meeting and a decision is made on whether to proceed.

4 The Training Four days training which includes:
the law; background issues children’s development and delay due to abuse and neglect post placement and post order support contact arrangements

5 CRB, Health, references & other checks
Making an Application CRB, Health, references & other checks

6 The Home Study – PAR In-depth assessment of you, your life and your parenting capacity which we concluded within six months of application, this includes: 8-10 visits – unless issues arise Visits to your referees 2nd Opinion visit Medical report You have the opportunity to comment Papers to the panel 2 weeks prior to the date

7 The Adoption & Permanency Panel
You attend with your Social Worker An opportunity for the Panel to meet you Where the panel consider your suitability

8 Who are the children? Children who are waiting for permanency have usually been removed from their parents against their parents wishes Children have sometimes been exposed to domestic violence, neglect and abuse Research shows children who have experienced abuse and have been separated from their families have challenging behaviour in their new families

9 Post Approval – Permanent Foster Care
Identify a child (ren) – You or Us? The family remain with the L/A We look to match a child with you from within H&F If that doesn’t materialise your profile is circulated to WLC, local authorities nationally After 12months approval reviewed and subsequent review happen

10 Post Approval - adoption
Identify a child (ren) – You or Us? The family remain with the L/A for 8wks After that, profile is circulated to WLC, NAR Families can attend Post Adopters quarterly seminars Timeframe – after 12months approval reviewed if a suitable match has not been identified 10

11 Matching with a Child Swap Children’s Permanency Report and PAR
Decide Yes or No…. If selected for interview – your Social Worker, child’s Social Worker and child’s Family finding Social Worker Selection meeting – Yes or No Adoption support package or Permanent Foster placement package arranged (ongoing allowance payable in permanent fostering arrangements) Panel to approve the match

12 Placement Introductions, Planning Meeting Meet the Child
Slow Introduction Process Child’s Pace Child Placed – placement monitored: a) Until an Adoption Order is granted, or b) By ongoing 6 weekly visits from the child’s social worker and the PFC have a support worker for the duration of the placement

13 The Adoption Order Application to adopt lodged with a court
Family encouraged to seek legal representation Court report completed – Child and Family’s Social Workers Hearing Date:Adoption order granted From start to finish: up to two years

14 Permanent Foster Care PFC receive a fortnightly allowance agreed prior to placement on the basis of the children’s ages and needs PFC are encouraged to undertake training through the local authority according to the government CWDC department The child remains in the local authority care and has a visiting social worker

15 Questions and Answers Next Preparation and Training Groups in Hammersmith and Fulham are going to be held between in February This is likely to be the first Tri Borough recruitment. We are keen to recruit families who can care permanently for black or dual heritage children, children with special needs and sibling groups.

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