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Presentation on theme: "FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH Week 8."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tonight Synonyms Homophones Persuasion Persuasive letter writing
If time… Either: Reading practice Writing practice Prep for presentation

3 Assessments Writing assessments booked for Tuesday 5th December
Reading resits booked for Tuesday 12th December

4 Writing 2 documents You will be asked to write either: Article Letter
Speech You will be given a scenario and both documents you write will be based on this.

5 Synonyms Different words that share a similar meaning with other words. By using different words (synonyms), you are showing to the examiner that you are expanding your vocabulary and gaining extra marks in the process. It will also help your writing to be more expressive and less repetitive. For example: Hot, boiling, sweating, roasting (temperature)

6 Think of some synonyms for the following words:
Good Bad Big Small Create 4 columns in your books, work together- write down as many as you can.

7 Create 3 columns in your books
To walk To say To look

8 Add the following synonyms to the columns
to whisper To stare To stagger To mutter To stroll To gape To state To tiptoe To shuffle To stride To announce To glare To amble To stress To beg To prowl To glower To promise To snap To search To remark To peep To hobble To plod To glance

9 Write a paragraph using some of the synonyms you now have in your books.
Describe walking through a town centre Use as many as the words as you can- make it up!

10 Homophones What is a homophone?

11 Examiners report In the last City and Guilds Examiner Report, one of the main reasons for students not achieving their writing assessments was because they used the wrong homophone!

12 Scenario Think of three things you would like to change in the world and why. Discuss with your group. Write a persuasive letter to the prime minister persuading him what needs to be changed.

13 How to write a formal letter!
Aim for 250 words.

14 What do you need to work on?
Presentation? Writing practise? Group discussion research? Reading practise? You are welcome to use the laptops

15 Reflect What have you completed this session? What did you find easy?
What did you find difficult? Did you enjoy what you completed this session? Please write a FULL paragraph- please show me before you leave.

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