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Alaska is required to contribute a dollar-for-dollar match for ACMP funds received from the federal government. Coastal District Match The State does not.

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska is required to contribute a dollar-for-dollar match for ACMP funds received from the federal government. Coastal District Match The State does not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska is required to contribute a dollar-for-dollar match for ACMP funds received from the federal government. Coastal District Match The State does not require districts to provide a dollar-for- dollar match for grant funds provided. A portion of the district match is covered by the State.

2  CRSAs contribute 20 cents for each dollar. In FY06, districts are required to contribute $265,000, (approximately 37 cents for each dollar available for district grants.)  Municipal districts contribute 50 cents for each dollar.

3  CRSAs are limited to in kind contributions to generate matching funds. Why is the contribution rate different for municipal districts and CRSAs? and CRSAs?  Municipal districts have a broader range of opportunities to generate matching funds.

4 Districts have two options for providing match funds: Cash Contributions and In-Kind Contributions

5 Cash contributions Cash contributed to a grantee or subgrantee by other agencies, organizations, or individuals is also considered a cash contribution. are cash outlay contributed by a grantee in support of a project.

6 In Kind Contributions are property or services which benefit a project or program and which are contributed by a third party without or for a reduced charge to a grantee.

7  Nearly any documented expenditure that supports a district program (that is not reimbursed for by grant funds). Examples of Cash Contributions:  A cash contribution to a district by a third party is also considered match if the contribution supports the district program.  Obtaining a non-federal grant or contribution from a foundation, non-profit organization, or individual for required tasks or a special project can be applied towards a district’s match.

8 Examples of Cash Contributions:  Consistency reviews  Conference attendance  Local contact  Meetings: Planning Commission, Borough/Municipal Assembly, pre- application Required Tasks & Implementation Activities not compensated for with grant funds:

9  Coastal coordinator  Administrative staff  Supervisory staff  Engineering staff  Public works staff Coastal management-related work by municipal staff not reimbursed with grant funds, including: Examples of Cash Contributions…

10  Culvert repairs specifically to address coastal issues (i.e. improve fish habitat)  Erosion control  Street cleaning  Litter control: beach clean up, junk cars, hazardous materials  Hazard mitigation  Dust abatement  Used oil clean up Municipal projects related to coastal issues: Examples of Cash Contributions…

11 Materials the municipality pays for to use for grant funded projects:  Gravel  Other municipal projects related to coastal management Examples of Cash Contributions…

12 Education:  Brochures  Presentation by coastal coordinator  Presentations at schools by city staff: i.e. sea week Other:  Non-federal grant or contribution from a foundation, non-profit organization, or individual Examples of Cash Contributions…

13  goods  services  land  facilities  space  personnel  materials, and  equipment In-Kind (Non-Cash) Contributions In-Kind Contributions can be in the form of: calculated at fair market value.

14  Reduced rates or fees – If an individual in his/her regular line of work charges less than he/she normally does, the difference between the normal and reduced rate is match. Examples of In-Kind Contributions:

15  Donated time by an employee: Time donated by an employee is in-kind match if the employee is not compensated and the service and time donated is not part of the individual’s paid employment. Examples of In-Kind Contributions…  Donated services/volunteer work: Services provided to a coastal district by an individual that is not compensated for the service provided can be used as in-kind match. This includes volunteer time of a board whose sole purpose is to deal with coastal related issues (such as a CRSA board).

16 Examples of In-Kind Contributions…  The service provided must be integral and necessary to the program; The catches are:  The cost of the donation must be reasonable and necessary;  The contribution must be documented; and,  The rates covering volunteer services provided by individuals must be consistent with rates charged for services in the area served by the district.

17 Examples of In-Kind Contributions…  Donated equipment or supplies  Loaned equipment or space

18 There are federal rules that apply to match contributions for ACMP grants:  Federal funds cannot be used for cash or in-kind contributions. RULES  Match contributions can only be used in support of one project or program.  Grantee records must document match contributions.  Match amounts must be necessary and reasonable.  The amount of a district grant should be reduced if required matching funds cannot be provided.

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