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Community PP science reviews

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1 Community PP science reviews
Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

2 PPAP Terms of Reference
‘Draft and maintain a roadmap describing current and future research opportunities in their areas, for presentation and approval by PPAN Consult and interact with the community to ensure its views are canvassed and there is an appropriate and effective route for communication with STFC on strategic programmatic issues Make an independent presentation to PPAN on the relevant panel area in years in which an STFC Programmatic Review takes place, thereby providing community input to the programmatic review process Respond to other specific requests from PPAN for advice as the need arises’ Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

3 Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09
The PPAP Philip Burrows (Oxford) chair Cinzia Da Via (Manchester) Tim Gershon (Warwick) Nigel Glover (Durham) Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (RAL) deputy chair Mark Thomson (Cambridge) Dan Tovey (Sheffield) Rachel Boning (STFC) Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

4 Possible Workplan I: Future Opportunities (Walter Gear 6/3/09)
‘identify the top major scientific challenges to be solved in the future (in 20 – 30 years) in this field world wide; Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

5 Possible Workplan I: Future Opportunities (Walter Gear 6/3/09)
‘identify the top major scientific challenges to be solved in the future (in 20 – 30 years) in this field world wide; highlight the UK involvement in research in these areas including what the UK reputation is in these areas and if it is likely that UK researchers will make these achievements; Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

6 Possible Workplan I: Future Opportunities (Walter Gear 6/3/09)
‘identify the top major scientific challenges to be solved in the future (in 20 – 30 years) in this field world wide; highlight the UK involvement in research in these areas including what the UK reputation is in these areas and if it is likely that UK researchers will make these achievements; identify what facilities will be needed in order for the UK make significant contributions to these areas; Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

7 Possible Workplan I: Future Opportunities (Walter Gear 6/3/09)
‘identify the top major scientific challenges to be solved in the future (in 20 – 30 years) in this field world wide; highlight the UK involvement in research in these areas including what the UK reputation is in these areas and if it is likely that UK researchers will make these achievements; identify what facilities will be needed in order for the UK make significant contributions to these areas; based on b) understand which of a) and / or c) are the top priorities.’ Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

8 Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09
This Meeting Review our community’s PP expertise + aspirations Draw out community’s views on possible future directions: year horizon Opportunity to air + debate tricky issues! Start roadmap drafting process PPAN has asked for first-pass roadmap by late September (2009!) Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

9 Programme Committee for today
Mark Thomson (Cambridge) Phil Burrows (Oxford) Paul Harrison (Warwick) Ed Hinds (IC) Ken Long (IC) Simon Peeters (Sussex) Ruben Saakyan (UCL) Silvia Pascoli (Durham) Subir Sarkar (Oxford) Neil Spooner (Sheffield) Christos Touramanis (Liverpool) Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

10 Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09
Programme for today 10.45 Introduction – Philip Burrows 10.50 PPAN briefing – Jordan Nash 11.05 Neutrino theory – Steve King 11.30 Current neutrino oscillation experiments – Elisabeth Falk 11.50 Future neutrino oscillation experiments – Dave Wark 12.45 lunch 13.30 Non-oscillation neutrino physics – Yorck Ramachers 14.15 Report from PAAP – Alex Murphy 14.30 Non-accelerator theory – Subir Sarkar 14.55 Dark matter experiments – Hans Kraus 15.40 Tea/coffee 16.00 EDM experiments – Philip Harris 16.30 R&D for detectors – Gary Barker 16.50 Accelerator R&D – Rob Edgecock 17.15 General discussion 18.00 End Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

11 Discussion questions for today
What should be the main UK priorities for neutrino and non-accelerator physics over the next ten years? How should the UK be preparing for the long term long-baseline neutrino oscillation experimental programme (in the US, Europe or Japan)? What should be the UK strategy for neutrinoless double beta decay for the next ten years and beyond. What level of funding is desirable/reasonable? What should be the UK involvement in dark matter experiments and what level of funding is desirable/reasonable? What level of investment should there be in the Boulby underground laboratory or at other sites world wide? What should be the level of investment in the development of liquid argon for neutrino physics? What should be the level of UK involvement in detector and accelerator R&D for the neutrino factory (including MICE)? Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

12 Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09
Housekeeping Apologies received 2. Thanks to: Birmingham Group IoP HEPP Group STFC IPPP Philip Burrows PPAP Community Reviews, Birmingham 15/7/09

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