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Welcome to today’s Enriching Experiences icebreaker

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1 Welcome to today’s Enriching Experiences icebreaker
Welcome to today’s Enriching Experiences icebreaker. We’re going to take a few minutes to learn a little more about each other and a little more about one of the Enriching Experiences that you may have heard about as part of the UTEP Edge.

2 Student Leadership: Definition
Develop professional values by assuming leadership roles in your campus experience. Today we’re going to talk about Student Leadership. When I say “Student Leadership” as an Enriching or High Impact Experience – what do you think of? [Get a couple of answers then go to next slide. If you are not getting response, ask follow up questions such as, “Were any of you officers in clubs in high school or here at UTEP? If yes, what club? What position? How were you a leader in that situation?”] [When you click again, the definition will appear.] There are lots of definitions about Leadership – in fact there are entire courses and even degrees in Leadership. For today, we’ll use this definition. Would you [select someone in class] read this out load for us? Thanks. Are any of you in campus leadership positions? Know anyone who is? What are they doing?

3 Student Leadership: Today’s Objectives
Define Student Leadership Connect your talents to Student Leadership for Lifelong Success Find Student Leadership experiences for you at UTEP Here’s what we want to accomplish in the next few minutes. Will you read the first one? Thanks. We’ve done that – defined student leadership. Will you read the second one? Thanks. So, start thinking about your talents, your strengths, your skills and how they contribute to you being a good leader. Who thinks they have good communication skills? Do you work well in a team? Are you confident? A good problem solver and critical thinker? All qualities that make someone a better leader, right? And, leadership leads to lifelong success in almost every major and career. And, will you read number 3 for us? Thanks. So, what kind of leader do you want to be? How does that connect to your major and career path? Do you know where to find leadership experiences at UTEP?

4 Student Leadership: Activity
My things – My leadership Select two things from your pockets, purse, or backpack. Get into groups of people. Introduce yourself to the group using the items you selected as indicators of your personal leadership style and goals. OK, now for today’s activity. [Paraphrase the slide.] [Give everyone a minute to select two things then get into groups and start their introductions. Let it go on for 5 – 10 minutes or as long as there is good buzz in the room. When it starts to quiet down, call out “1 more minute”. Then after 1 minute, have everyone return to their original seats. ] How was that? Did anyone have a particularly good example they want to share?

5 Student Leadership: Wrap Up
Talk with your instructor, academic advisor, or campus employer about ideas for this experience. Join a club or organization. Visit Student Engagement Leadership Center in the Union. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams [Review the slide.] So, that’s an introduction to Student Leadership at UTEP. There are many ways to improve your leadership skills, get involved in our UTEP community, and contribute to making the world a little better place that will contribute to all of our future success. Building on your past experiences, taking advantage of your talents and skills today, and making good decisions will lead to greater opportunities tomorrow. Thanks.

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