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NWHPEC Board Meeting January 26, 2017 via Telecom

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1 NWHPEC Board Meeting January 26, 2017 via Telecom
In Attendance: Rick Alvarado, Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Mike Funke, Dale Gehring, Steve Richardson, Alex Thomason, Frank Twardoch, Julie Simmons Adjourned 1:03pm Financial Update (Mike): Mike asked that Kim send out the financials at least the day prior to the Board meeting. Julie took the action item to work with Kim on this. Mike reviewed the end of year P&L and Balance Sheet. We finished 2016 per plan. All membership dues invoices have been sent and payments are starting to come in. Old Business: NWHPEC One-Pager Graphic: Julie and Alex presented the latest iteration of the one-pager graphic to the Board for feedback. Cons: Crowded, Needs accompanying story to go with the graphic, Doesn’t show how new thinking and ideas brought into NWHPEC are delivered Pros: General logic is very good, Provides a visual roadmap for new and existing companies to identify their current state, see gaps, and see what they might be missing A general question was asked: Is the graphic intended to stand on its own, is it a communication tool, or both? The Board didn’t really dive into this answer and what they’re striving for with the graphic. Julie suggested employing a 3rd party expert to help design the graphic to erase some of the cons. The Board supported this action. Event Updates (Julie): Learning Tours: Per the annual survey, 8 companies expressed interest in hosting a Learning Tour in companies have selected dates; the balance 5 are still working through the process of selecting a date. Training Classes: No classes scheduled at this point. Mike suggested Julie send out a reminder about the hosting opportunities to the membership. Julie will do this the week of January 30th. Executive Forum’s: Dan Miller Lean and the Human Element and Mike Hoseus are booked for Julie expressed a gap in knowing what topics she should look at designing Executive Forum’s around for Alex suggested pulling together a focus group or several mini-focus groups for feedback sessions. Julie will work to pull this together within the next month. Leadership Sessions: Next up: Scott Simmons on February 1st. We met our attendance goal with several executives attending. Col. Arthur Athens is scheduled for June 6th. Julie will start to pull the marketing together for that session in February. Julie is also working with Geoff Gilmore to deliver a session on Innovation in the Fall. Kata Practitioner Day: Rescheduled due to the freezing rain storm to March 2nd. New Business: AME Lean Sensei Assessment App: Dale asked about the potential need to provide general assessment training to the membership to support the AME Lean Sensei assessment app. The consensus was to communicate the existence of the app to the membership. There is potential support through a SIG, if the membership needs it. Leadership Session Speakers: Jennifer asked if any of the Board knew of Cy Wakeman, author of The Reality Based Rules of the Workplace and Reality Based Leadership. Cy’s teachings align with the Dan Miller LHE work. Jennifer sent out bio info and links to Cy’s blog and a video for review. Dale suggested Richard Sheridan, author of Joy Inc and CEO of Menlo Innovations. Next Board Meeting: February 23, 2017 Noon – 2pm Loc: TBD – Julie will send out an Outlook calendar update

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