Introduction to the (First!)Spin Tools Workshop

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1 Introduction to the (First!)Spin Tools Workshop
Ian Bailey Cockcroft Institute/ Lancaster University Spin Tools Nov 9th 2010

2 Remit of the Workshop Do some work!
Exchange information on spin simulations tools Exchange information on ongoing and upcoming projects that use these tools Identify developments needed Physics models (e.g. higher-order terms, non-linearities) Implementation (e.g. Run time, Parallel computation) User interface (e.g. Visualisation, Documentation) Do some work!

3 What is a “spin simulation tool”?
Any simulation which models the evolution of the spin wave-function of a particle beam as it interacts with fields due to Beam optics Materials Other particles (either directly or via Wakefields mediated by materials) Particles Electrons, positrons, protons, deuterons, ...

4 Are these all the tools? MADX BMAD Zgoubi Spin transport Slicktrack
Guinea-Pig (++) CAIN PPS-Sim Spin transport Beam-beam Sources (positrons)

5 Some Conventions The ‘polarisation’ is the ensemble average of the normalised expectation values of the spin operator acting on the wavefunctions representing the spin states of the particles in the ensemble (e.g. a bunch)

6 Some Conventions (II) Spin states are conveniently represented by spin density matrices () or Stokes parameters (), eg

7 Format of the Workshop Today Wednesday Thursday (am) Thursday (pm)
Introduction to the software tools (7a) Wednesday Working... (BAH2 and VC-1c134) Thursday (am) Working... (BAH2 and VC-2b313) Thursday (pm) Summary session (BAH2)

8 What to do in working sessions?
Identify status of the tools this afternoon. Hopefully find common tasks. Suggestion: use BAH2 as main room for working, use other room as a breakout room for group discussions, tutorials, etc Is this going to work? We hope so!

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