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The Angling Attraction

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2 The Angling Attraction
Research from the Outdoor Foundation’s 2016 Outdoor Recreation Participation Topline Report found that million Americans, 6 years of age and older, participated in outdoor activities during 2015, compared to million during 2014. Fishing was the fourth most-popular outdoor activity among youth, 6–24, at 18.0%, or 14.8 million, during Fishing was the second most-popular outdoor activity among adults, 25+, at 14.6%, or 30.9 million. Fishing was aspirational outdoor activity #7 among non-participating youth, 6–12 and 13–17, at 11.9% and 9.1%, respectively. It wasn’t in the top 10 for adults, 18–24 and 25–34. It was 8th among adults, 35–44, at 10.1%, and 6th among adults, 45+, at 9.0%.

3 The Cast of Casters The latest Special Report on Fishing (2015) states that 46.0 million Americans, or 15.8% of the population 6 years of age and older, participated in fishing during 2014, the latest data available. This was a modest increase of 100,000 participants from 2013. Of 2014’s total number of anglers, 65.6% were men. Adults, 45+ and 25–44, continue to dominate the activity at 38.9% and 29.0%, respectively. Additional data from the report reveals, however, a more even distribution of anglers by income: less than $25,000, 16.6%; $25,000–$49,999, 23.5%; $50,000–$75,999, 20.0%; $75,000–$99,999, 14.8%; and $100,000+, 25.0%.

4 Tackling the Tackle Market
According to data from Southwick Associates published in the July 2015 issue of Fishing Tackle Retailer, the 2014 market size of the sportfishing industry was $53.3 billion. Of that total, $6.88 billion was fishing tackle. Rods, reels and components accounted for the largest share of total 2014 fishing tackle sales at 39%; followed by lures, flies and artificial baits, 19%; lines and leaders, 10%; and hooks, sinkers and other terminal tackle, 10%. Unit sales of aluminum fishing boats of 16–99 feet increased 10.5% during Q1 2016, compared to Q Although January’s unit sales decreased 8.7%, they rebounded to +4.9% during February and then spectacularly during March, by +22.2%.

5 Stalking Millennial Hunters
According to Kampgrounds of America’s (KOA) 2016 North American Camping Report, hunting was 10th on the list of recreational activities North Americans were more likely to enjoy while camping; however, it decreased from 12% for 2014 to 8% for 2015. The good news for the hunting and firearms industries is that Millennials were the adults with the highest hunting-participation rate during camping, at 12%; followed by Generation Xers, 8%; Baby Boomers, 5%; and Matures, 4%. According to the Southwick Associates Media Monitor for Q4 2015, 74.5% of hunters and/or shooters who participated in the survey said that magazines were their primary source of hunting, shooting and fishing information.

6 Taking Aim at Hunter/Shooter Consumers
According to 2015 research from Hanson Dodge Creative, 89% of the more than 14 million hunters and 10 million shooters who participated during the past 12 months were European American, 77% were men and 82% were more likely to live in rural areas. Of all these hunters/shooters, 61%, or 12.4 million, are categorized as light participants and 39%, or 7.8 million, as heavy participants. Of the light hunter/shooters, 45% don’t own a firearm while 85% of heavy hunters/shooters own two or more types. Heavy hunters/shooters purchased hunting, camping or fishing equipment online during the past year at almost twice the rate of light hunters/shooters. They also spent $100+ on hunting clothes during the past year at more than twice the rate of the lights.

7 Advertising Strategies
To remain competitive, outdoor stores, fishing tackle shops and firearms stores should be allocating larger shares of their marketing/advertising budgets to increase traffic and sales among Millennials and minority ethnic audiences. Retailers in these categories can focus their advertising dollars on one or more “first-time participants” promotions during the summer, providing experts to answer questions and offering bundles of equipment and/or tackle at special prices. Retailers who want to increase traffic and sales among hunters and shooters should consider a combination of direct mail to rural zip codes surrounding their GMA with scannable coupons that link prospective customers to store Websites with special offers.

8 New Media Strategies Anglers, hunters and shooters are hungry for detailed information to enjoy their sports, which provide retailers with an opportunity to use their social media sites as a central source of information on local seasonal conditions, fishing and hunting clubs, etc. Retailers can increase engagement with Millennials by starting a Millennials’ fishing or hunting group via social media. Invite them to share stories, photos and videos of their fishing/hunting adventures, tips they learned in the field, etc. Millennials as well as Generation Xers are attracted to retailers who support the community. Sponsor a fishing day for urban children, with classes and safety instruction, and ask for volunteers or co-sponsor a shooting safety class with a local firearms store or shooting club.


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