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Computing in ILC Contents: ILC Project Software for ILC

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1 Computing in ILC Contents: ILC Project Software for ILC
MC Production using GRID Akiya Miyamoto KEK Co-Convener of ILD Software WG Chair of ILC Software Common Task Group 14 March 2012 KEKCC-IN2P3 Workshop

2 International Linear Collider (ILC)
e+e- collider Ecm: 0.2~0.5 TeV  1 TeV ∫Ldt > 500 fb-1 in 4 years Polarization: e-: 80%, e+: 30% Physics objectives Sym. breaking + Mass generation Beyond SM β„’ π‘€π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘™π‘‘ = β„’ π‘”π‘Žπ‘’π‘”π‘’ + β„’ β„Žπ‘–π‘”π‘”π‘  + β„’ π‘¦π‘’π‘˜π‘Žπ‘€π‘Ž + β„’ π‘π‘’π‘¦π‘œπ‘›π‘‘π‘†π‘€ 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

3 LHC implication LHC results so far No new particles yet. No CMSSM SUSY
Allowed mass range of Standard Model Higgs significantly reduced K.Tokushuku by the end of 2012, SM Higgs is discovered or SM is ruled out 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

4 Higgs and ILC Higgs sector is not well know in SM
Higgs is a key for mass generation in the gauge invariant theory. Condense in vacuum Variety of β€œHiggs” are predicted in models beyond SM. The gate way for physics beyond SM. A scenario for ILC ~250 GeV : e+e- οƒ  ZH Spin, Mass, Couplings ~350 GeV : Top ~ 500 GeV ttH Higgs self-couplings  ILC precession is crucial to establish Higgs mechanism Coupling constant to Higgs Higgs mass (GeV) 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

5 Time line of ILC project
ILCSC ILD, SiD ILC Lab. ~200 Asian ~1000 Global WWSOC/Regional OC ( bottom up org. ) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (Note: the plan after 2012 is under discussion ) 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

6 Detail Baseline Design Report (DBD)
DBD guideline define a feasible baseline design, incl. integration, push-pull study benchmark processes with a realistic simulation and reconstruction R&D on critical components improved cost estimates ILD SiD 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

7 Challenge of ILC Detectors
Calorimeter: Neutral particles DE/E <Β½ of LEP good bad W/Z separation W Z Vertex Detector b/c/t tagging Rvtx<1/5 LHC Improves h(c-tag) Tracker: Charged particles Dpt/pt : 1/10 of LHC Higgs recoil to Z 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

8 Challenge of Software Challenge Key features
Enrich ILC physics case, taking progresses of HEP ( work with theorists ) Show the proposed detector can do physics and meet the ILC goal Key features Particle Flow :  Very good jet energy resolution by highly segmented calorimeter Vertexing:  2nd/3rd vertex reconstrucion Tracking:  excellent DP/P in ILC condition ILD event Calorimeter view Vertex Reconstruction 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

9 ILC DBD benchmark studies
DBD requirements defined by Research Director (PD) and ILC Detector AdvisoryGroup (IDAG) after ILD and SiD validation in 2009 4. Develop a realistic simulation model of the baseline design, including the identified faults and limitations. 7. Simulate and analyze updated benchmark reactions with the realistic detector model. Include the impact of detector dead zones and updated background conditions. 8. Simulate and study some reactions at 1 TeV, including realistic higher-energy backgrounds, demonstrating the detector performance. 3 out of 9 items related to the software works Benchmark processes 1 TeV: 𝑒 + 𝑒 βˆ’ β†’πœˆ 𝜈 β„Ž for π΅π‘Ÿs β„Žβ†’ πœ‡ + πœ‡ βˆ’ , 𝑏 𝑏 , 𝑐 𝑐 , 𝑔𝑔, π‘Š π‘Š βˆ— : t-channel 𝑒 + 𝑒 βˆ’ β†’π‘Š+Wβˆ’for 𝜎 WW and beam pol. : Forward jets 𝑒 + 𝑒 βˆ’ →𝑑 𝑑 β„Ž for ytop : 8~10 jets one of 500 GeV LOI channels Others to enrich physics case 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

10 Software tools Generator : Simulation Reconstruction
Whizard 1.95 as the common generator Physsim for tth, ttz, ttbb events: ( > 6 fermions ) stdhep as the common generator format Simulation Based on Geant4.9.5 Common physics_list, which will be defined by Calorimeter R&D group. Mokka(ILD), SLIC(SID) : Simple geometry (LOI) οƒ  Complex geometry(DBD) Reconstruction PFA: PandoraPFA(LOI era) οƒ  PandoraPFANew(ILD, SiD). IowaPFA(SiD), Garlic(ILD) FlavourID : LCFIVertexing(LOI era) οƒ  LCFIPlus(For multi-jet environment, Vertexing first, then jet clustering ) Tracking in LOI : org.lcsim(SiD), LEPTracking(ILD) ILD for DBD: Clupatra, KalTest, IMarlinTrack 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

11 Software core tool Common persistency with LCIO
Common to all LC community : Bases of collaboration between SiD (Java based) and ILD (C++ based) ILC and CLIC community Example PandoraPFA and LCFIPlus have been used by both ILD and SiD Common DST format will be defined for DBD. Data model (PFO, etc.) are provided by LCIO and common Better consistency among variables LCIO 1 (LOI) οƒ  LCIO 2 (DBD) Improved based on LOI experiences. New feature includes Simplified a use of LCIO with ROOT Direct access to events Improving the event data model 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

12 GRID ILC VO hosted by DESY LCG + OSG (FNAL)
ILC community (ILD+SiD) and CLIC community(ILC_CLIC, SiD_CLIC) share the same VO. GRID Production tools CLIC & SID: ILCDirac tools (CERN) ILD : DESY(own tool), KEK(own tool), CERN(ILCDirac) ILD MC production for LOI ( ) were made using GRID resources provided by DESY, CC-IN2P3 ( O(1k) cpus ) and KEK. We appreciate your support ! 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

13 Resources for MC Production
Now: ILD and SiD are validating the software tools MC Production for ILC DBD is about to start ( < 1 month ) CLIC extended benchmark studies (1.4 TeV ) is on going in parallel. ILC DBD demands ~ 10M events x 10min/events / ~ 2000 nodes  ~ 1 month per detector per energy point.  2 detector concepts, a few options x several energy points, with additional requests for user specific analysis. Allocate 5 month for production: April ~ August, 2012 The rest of 2012 is for analysis and writing document We wish to use resources at IN2P3, KEK, DESY, CERN, FNAL, … We appreciate your support in coming months in advance. 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

14 Japan – Europe Bandwidth
During LOI era, bandwidth between KEK to DESY/CC-IN2P3 were not satisfactory. 20~60 sec over heads in each file transfer 100~300kb/sec per port Problems had investigated in 2010 by experts in KEKCC and DESYCC ~ 3min to reach 1 Gbyte/sec transfer speed KEK to DESY is ~3 faster To cure, multi-port, multi-jobs Proper data size ( LOI dst files were small) Hope to be OK in DBD prod we will find out soon or better tools DESY οƒ  KEK Took ~3min to reach max. transfer speed by Soh Suzuki 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

15 Summary ILC is crucial to push forward our understanding of fundamental low of nature. ILC community is now preparing Detector Baseline Document, which will be submitted to the ILC Technical Design Report by the end of 2012. Benchmark studies based on a realistic simulation and reconstruction are indispensable part of the DBD studies. MC productions for ILC DBD will start soon using ILCVO of LCG grid Computing activities of ILC will continue beyond 2012. 15 March Akiya Miyamoto IN2P3 KEK Workshop

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