Problems of Determining Optimal Public Debt Ratios

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Presentation on theme: "Problems of Determining Optimal Public Debt Ratios"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems of Determining Optimal Public Debt Ratios
Lisbon, Portugal June 21-22, 2007 The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation NikolayTabachkov, Auditor

2 The Russian Federation Public Debt Structure (by the end of the year)

3 Results of Government Securities Trading

4 The Ratio of Public Internal Debt of the Russian Federation to GDP

5 Characteristics of the Public Debt of the Russian Federation (by the end of the year)
2005 2006 The ratio of public debt to GDP, % 14,3  9,1 The ratio of public external debt to GDP, % 10,2 5,0 The ratio of public external debt to export of goods, % 29,0 15,0 The ratio of public debt to federal budget revenues, % 60,0 39,7 The ratio of public external debt to federal budget revenues, % 42,9 21,9

6 The external debt of the Russian Federation
The external debt of the Russian Federation * (by the end of the year, bln. US dollars) 2003 2004 2005 2006 TOTAL 185,7 215,1 258,5 309,7 State authorities: 97,9 97,4 71,4 45,1 - Federal 96,7 95,7 70,2 43,6 - Sub-federal 1,2 1,6 1,5 Monetary authorities 7,8 8,2 11,0 3,9 Banks 24,9 32,5 50,2 101,2 Non financial enterprises 55,1 76,4 126,0 159,5 * to non residents on data of Central Bank of the Russian Federation

7 The External Debt of the Russian Federation in 2005-2006 (bln
The External Debt of the Russian Federation in (bln. US dollars)


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