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The Characteristics of a Civilization

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1 The Characteristics of a Civilization

2 What is a Civilization? A civilization is an advanced state of human society.

3 Stable Food Supply

4 Stable Food Supply Civilizations need a stable supply of food.
Domesticating of animals and agriculture Why is this important?

5 Social Structure

6 Social Structure Civilizations have a complex organization, or social structure. Social pyramids example Ruler Landowners/priests/go vernment officials Common class (merchants, craftspeople, etc) Slaves

7 Government

8 System of Government Civilizations need a well organized system of government to help direct people’s behavior and keep life orderly. The government is in charge of enforcing laws, construction, leading the army, and distribution of food. How does the government help you?

9 Religious System

10 Religious System All civilizations need a religious system. This includes, set of beliefs, God(s), and place of worship. As we progress through the year, we will see how religious views evolved over time. What is religion’s role in society today?

11 Culture & Technology

12 Highly Developed Culture & Technology
All civilizations must have a highly developed culture including the arts, like painting, architecture, and music. All civilizations create new forms of technology (tools or inventions). What is a piece of culture that is present in our lives?

13 Written Language

14 Written Language All civilizations must have a highly developed written language. The beginning of history means the beginning of writing. The first known language was cuneiform, created by the Sumerians An example of writing can also be pictographs What would your life be like without any writing?

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