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Estimate the number of litres of oil the world consumed in 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Estimate the number of litres of oil the world consumed in 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimate the number of litres of oil the world consumed in 2016.
Do you think that this number will be greater for 2017?

2 Can you express this number in standard form?
The total world consumption of oil per day for 2016 was million barrels. Can you express this number in standard form? Source:

3 What was the total world consumption of oil for the whole of 2016?
Can you express this number in standard form?

4 1 barrel of oil is approximately equal to 159 litres.
Can you convert the total world consumption of oil for the whole of 2016 into litres? How many 2 litre bottles would be needed to store all of this oil?

5 The total world consumption of oil for 2017 is projected to be 97
The total world consumption of oil for 2017 is projected to be million barrels per day. What is the percentage increase of total world consumption of oil from 2016 to 2017? Source:

6 In 2014, BP estimated that there was 1,687
In 2014, BP estimated that there was 1,687.9 billion barrels of oil left in the world. Given how much oil the world consumed in 2016, how many years would it take for the oil to run out, assuming the consumption rates remain the same? Is it fair to make this assumption? What are the implications of running out of oil? Source: earth-cm711409

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