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Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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Presentation on theme: "Teknologi dan Rekayasa"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

2 Determination of moisture in flour
SMK Negeri 13 Bandung

3 Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim
Rabbi zidna ilmaan …….. Oh God, please opened our heart and mind, enlightened with Your light. Godsend of science dot which Thou own to us… Oh God… Allow our prayer… Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 After this session, the students are expected
Objectives…. After this session, the students are expected to be able : Explain the steps of determination of moisture in flour Explain the objectives of every steps Do the calculation in determination of moisture in flour Arrange the report of the determination of moisture in flour Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Procedure 6. Conduct the steps 1 - 5 to the crucile with sample
2. Weigh out the covered crucible by an analytical balance. 3, Repeat the heating processs for 15 minutes and the cooling processs for 10 minutes. Weigh out the crucible with lid. Hear a covered crucble at C for 30 minutes then cool it in an exicator for 10 minutes. Procedure 4. Repeat the steps 3 until you get constant weight. . 7. Calculate the % of moisture 6. Conduct the steps to the crucile with sample 5. Weigh out 2 grams of flour sample in the constant crucible Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 Calculation Data example Weighing of crucible The 3rd. 18,7882 g
The 4th. 18,7883 g Calculated weight 18,7883 g Weighing of sample Crucible + sample 20,7903 g Crucible ,7896 g Sample ,0007 g

7 Weighing of crucible + dried sample
The 5th ,3656 g The 6th ,3654 g Calculated weight 20,3654 g Sample weight 2,0007 g Dried sample weight = (Crucible + dried sample)-(Crucible) = 20,3654 g-18,7883 g = 1,5771g Moisture = Sample – dried sample = 2,0007 g - 1,5771 g = 0,4236 gram Water (moisture) % = (water/sample)X100% (0,4236/2,0007)X100% =21,17%

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