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PROCEDURE TEXT Muniyatul Fuadiyah Fitri Wilawanti Iin Seftiani

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Presentation on theme: "PROCEDURE TEXT Muniyatul Fuadiyah Fitri Wilawanti Iin Seftiani"— Presentation transcript:

1 PROCEDURE TEXT Muniyatul Fuadiyah Fitri Wilawanti Iin Seftiani
Members: Muniyatul Fuadiyah Fitri Wilawanti Iin Seftiani Evi Suherni Fajar Restu

2 PURPOSE Purpose from Procedure Text is to help readers how to do or make something completely. They can be a set of instruction or directions.

3 GENERIC STRUCTURE Generic structure of Procedure they are: Goal / Aim:
The final purpose of doing the instructions. Materials / Equipment: Ingredients, utensils, tools to do the instruction. Steps / Methods: A set of instructions to achieve the final purpose.

4 KIND OF PROCEDURE TEXT Procedure that explain how to worked something or instruction manually way, example: how to switch on the computer. Procedure that instruction how to do an activity with the rule, examples: video game rules, road safety rules. Procedure that context with characteristic or behavior, examples: how to live happily, how to success.

5 LANGUAGE FEATURES Dominant language features they are: Using Simple Present Tense Using Imperative Sentence Using adverb Using technical terms

6 How To Make A Simple Hijab Tutorial
Examples: How To Make A Simple Hijab Tutorial Equipment: You will need: One paris veil One ciput Ninja (colour free) One Brooch Three needles

7 Steps Wear ciput ninja, then put the paris quadrangle veil, which already formed a triangle on top ciput ninja. Rotate the right side of the fabric to the back of the neck. Pull slowly to the left, under the ear. Tidy using a needle. Then pull the rest of the fabric slowly to the right. Prepare the needle again.

8 Tidy the fabric under the ear using a needle.
After neat, take the rest of the other fabrics. Pull to the back Tidy using a needle Prepare fabric the left side Tidy using a needle again ( you can make the big brooch in the back to make interesting from the hijab). Note: Green : Adverb Red : Imperative Sentence Blue : Technical Terms

9 T H A N K Y O U

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