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仁爱版9年级上 Unit4 Topic 1 Section A.

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1 仁爱版9年级上 Unit4 Topic 1 Section A

2 Review Review the simple present passive voice.
The blackboard is cleaned by our monitor. The flowers are watered by students. English is taught in our school.

3 Who are they? They are Michey Mouse and Donald Duck.

4 Do you know who she is ? She is Chang’e. She is a beautiful goddess.

5 astronaut. Do you know who he is? He is Yang Liwei. What does he do?
宇航员。 Yes. He is an astronaut.

6 Who are they? What’s this ? It’s China’s second Spaceship, Shenzhou Ⅵ. They are Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong.

7 Presentation Listen to 1a then answer the question.
What’s China’s first lunar probe?

8 Chang’e Ⅰ.

9 Useful expressions 1. dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事 2. point to 指向
3. make great progress in doing sth. 在……取得巨大成就 月球探测器 4. lunar probe 实现某人的梦想 5. achieve one’s dream 6. send up 发射

10 Consolidation 1. Work alone Listen to the news about Shenzhou Ⅴ and
fill in the blanks.

11 Practice It took our country’s ______astronaut, Yang Liwei, about 21 hours to go _______ the earth 14 times. He landed ___________ at 6:23 on the morning of Oct. 16,2003. He is our country’s first space _______ and our hero. After the first space______,China’s second manned spaceship,Shenzhou Ⅵ with two __________, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, landed the earth successfully at 4:33 a.m. on_________________. The whole flight lasted about______days. Now big plans are being made to lauch more setellites and even to ______ a space station. first around successfully traveler flight astronauts October. 17th.2005 5/five build

12 the following the question.
Read 2a again, answer the following the question. 1. who is the first space astronaut of China? Yang Liwei 2. How many circles did he go around of China? 14 times.

13 3. How long did he stay in space ?
21 hours . 4. Is it possible Chinese astronauts will fly to Mars in the future? Yes, it is.

14 Project Shenzhou Ⅴ Shenzhou Ⅵ astronauts Time of landing
Period of flying Spaceship’s condition Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng Yang liwei 4:33 a.m Oct, 6:23 a.m Oct.16,2003 About 21hours About 5 days The air was fresh. The temperature was kept between 17-25℃

15 Exercise 根椐汉语提示完成句子,每句一词.
1.Yao Ming is good at playing basketball. He is our (英雄) 2.The Chinese students should study hard to make the computer (服务我们的生活) hero Serve our life

16 3.It’s very important to master the computer (技术).
4.We know something about the spaceship after our teacher’s (介绍) technology introduction

17 Thank you!

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