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中 国 Zhōng guó 春 节 Chūn jié CHINESE NEW YEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "中 国 Zhōng guó 春 节 Chūn jié CHINESE NEW YEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 中 国 Zhōng guó 春 节 Chūn jié CHINESE NEW YEAR

2 CHINESE NEW YEAR Traditional Celebration of the Chinese New Year
Common expressions heard at this time are: GUONIAN: to have made it through the old year BAINIAN :to congratulate the new year

3 Turning Over a New Leaf The Chinese New year is celebrated on the first day of the First Moon of the lunar calendar. The corresponding date in the solar calendar varies from as early as January 21st to as late as February 19th. Chinese New Year, as the Western new Year, signified turning over a new leaf. Socially, it was a time for family reunions, and for visiting friends and relatives. This holiday, more than any other Chinese holiday, stressed the importance of family ties. The Chinese New year's Eve dinner gathering was among the most important family occasions of the year

4 What is Chinese Lunar Calendar?
The Chinese calendar will often show the dates of both the Gregorian (Western) calendar and the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Gregorian dates are printed in Arabic numerals, and the Chinese dates in Chinese numerals. Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the Western solar calendar.

5 Customs of Chinese New Year
1.Sweeping the Dust 扫尘 2.Pasting Spring Couplet 贴春联 3.Pasting Paper-cuts & Up-sided Fu 贴窗花和“福”字 4.Pasting New Year Prints 贴年画 5.Staying Up Late on New Year’s Eve 守岁 6.The CCTV New Year’s Gala 春节联欢晚会 7.Setting off Firecrackers 放鞭炮 8.New Year’s Visit &. Luck Money 拜年 和 压岁钱 9. Eating Jiao zi 吃饺子 10.Festival Greetings / Festival Greetings via Text Massage 新年祝福/短信祝福

6 Festival Greetings 新年祝福语 恭贺新禧(gōnghé xīnxǐ) Happy New Yew
吉祥如意(jíxiáng rúyì) Everything Goes Well 恭喜发财(gōngxǐ fācái) Wish You Prosperity 年年有余(niánnián yǒuyú) Surplus Year After Year 岁岁平安(suìsuì píng’ an) Pearce All Year Round 新春大吉(xīnchūn dàjí) Good Luck in the New Year


8 Chinese Zodiac & the 12 animals

9 Lantern Festival the 15th day of Chinese New Year

10 Lantern festival

11 Lantern festival & dumplings

12 Chinese New Year Decorations

13 Oranges & tangerines

14 ania Candy tray Red melon seeds Candy Candy melon

15 Lotus seeds Lotus seeds coconut peanut

16 Decorative Flowers

17 Poetic couplets

18 Chinese posters The boy with the fish Wishes come true &
Good luck poster Wishes come true & Wish you good fortune

19 Lucky Symbols fu 福 Fortune 福 lu 禄 prosperity 禄 shou 寿 longevity 寿 xi 喜 happiness 喜 cai 财 wealth 财

20 Chinese New Year’s Traditional foods

21 Round Table Togetherness Happiness

22 Dumplings Dumplings

23 Typical New Year’s Eve Banquet
Cold and hot appetizers Soup Fried food Dishes sweetened with honey or suger Preserved foods Meat Seafood Fresh fruit

24 Traditional New Year Food
Lotus seed 莲子- signify having many children. Traditional New Year Food Traditional New Year Food Ginkgo nut 银杏- represents silver ingot.

25 Traditional New Year Food
海带- Black moss seaweed- is a homonym for exceeding wealth. 豆腐干- Dried bean curd- Is another homonym for wealth and happiness. 竹笋- Bamboo shoots- is a term that sounds like “wishing that everything would be well.

26 Traditional New Year Food
饺子 Dumplings- are a New Year’s tradition that fosters togetherness and cooperation of spirit. Traditional New Year Food 元宝 Boiled Dumplings- which also foster togetherness and cooperation of spirit. 年糕 New Year Cake- the favorite and most typical dish that also foster togetherness and cooperation of spirit.

27 Traditional New Year Food
斋- Vegetarian banquet- is the most significant New Year’s dish, because everyone of its ingredients promises to deliver good fortune, prosperity, and longevity.

28 Chinese New Year Customs & Traditions

29 鞭炮 bian pao Firecrackers promote change in energy
deliver new beginnings Provide protection from harm/bad luck: It is believed that ear-deafening bangs scare mortals and animals alike so the year would be of good health, prosperity, and happiness. New Year Customs & Traditions

30 Kitchen God The Kitchen God is represented by a paper image and is hung throughout the year near the family’s stove. Families sit down to feast on foods of good fortune. On the 23rd or 24th day of the 12th lunar month the Kitchen God is transported to the Jade Emperor to report on the family’s behavior from the previous year.

31 Traditional customs Old debts and past quarrels are resolved for a new start Serious spring-cleaning of the home and the minds “Lucky papers” for good wishes a brand new outfit with some red in it Chinese New Year’s eve is a night to instill harmony Everyone stay up after midnight to welcome the New Year Red candles are lit so bad luck can’t wander into the houses

32 Red Envelopes Lucky Money 红包 hong bao
. Red Envelopes Lucky Money 红包 hong bao Red envelopes are part of the Chinese New Year tradition. Red is a sign of good luck because it is associated with fire, life energy, and the lifeblood that demons fear most. Red envelopes are given to young or unmarried children by elders. 红包 hong bao The money is inside the envelopes usually in even numbers except four because the Chinese word for four is associated with death.

33 新 年 快 乐 恭 喜 发 财 xin nian kuai le wish you good fortune
New Year Greetings 新 年 快 乐 xin nian kuai le 恭 喜 发 财 wish you good fortune

34 Chinese New Year Taboos & Superstitions

35 Taboos and Superstitions
A taboo is something you can not do or say. A superstition is a belief of what may happen if you obey or disobey the taboos.

36 Do’s and Don’ts No saying foul or unlucky words No talking about death
No borrowing or lending money in the New Year All debts must be paid before the New Year

37 谢 谢! THANK YOU!


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