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Presentation on theme: "Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants

2 Plants are everywhere! They give us air to breathe and food to eat.

3 Plants come in different shapes, sizes, and types.

4 A tree is a plant.

5 A flower is a plant.

6 Grass is a plant.

7 Corn is a plant.

8 This is a Seed. A seed is the first stage of a plant.

9 To Grow a Seed Needs… Water

10 To Grow a Seed Needs…. Soil

11 To Grow a Seed Needs Space

12 To Grow a Seed Needs… Sunlight

13 To Grow a Seed Needs… Air

14 Sing a song to remember what a seed needs to grow!
The Needs of a Plant Song – Harry Kindergarten Music

15 Parts of a Plant Roots are important for plants.
Roots suck water and nutrients up from the soil and into the plant.

16 Parts of a Plant This is a stem.
It helps the keep the plant standing up by supporting it. The stem carries the water and nutrients to other parts of the plant.

17 Parts of a Plant These are leaves.
Leaves soak up the sunlight to give the plant energy to grow.

18 Parts of a Plant These are flowers.
Flowers can be many different colors and smells. Flowers attract birds and insects, like bees, to help pollinate.

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