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The Puzzle of Compassion in Health Visiting

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Presentation on theme: "The Puzzle of Compassion in Health Visiting"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Puzzle of Compassion in Health Visiting
Margaret Clarke Supervised by: Dr Una Adderley & Dr Philip Esterhuizen University of Leeds

2 My Presentation Background Methodology & Methods Results Discussion
Conclusion References Questions

3 Background Myself Health Visitor Role The Course The Study

4 Methodology Max van Manen Hermeneutic Phenomenology
The ‘reductio’ and the ‘vocatio’

5 Methods Literature Approvals Preparation of Self Recruitment
The Interviews The Analysis

6 The Results

7 Definitions “I think compassion is very much being able to put yourself into the shoes, …the position of the client…Being able to see things from their perspective and to really try and feel what it really must be like for them. In whatever position they’re in, in their lives…” (HV004)

8 Chambers & Ryder’s (2012) Attributes of Compassionate Leaders
Leading excellence in compassionate care Leadership attributes Teamleading attributes Personal attributes Educational attributes Quality attributes

9 My Themes Located in Chambers and Ryder’s Framework
Personal Quality Leadership Education Team Leading Motivation Delivery of Compassion Professional Judgment Role Models Team Approach Personal Experience Measuring Compassion Organisational Targets Effects on Self Reflection

10 Personal Attributes Motivation Personal Experiences Effects on Self
“shaped me for this job” (HV005) “Challenge…Gets my adrenaline going” (HV003)

11 Quality Attributes Delivery of Compassion Measuring Compassion
“[If you are not compassionate] you are not able to engage with the family and you won’t be effective” (HV003) “…it’s not only [the situation that the client is in] ‘cos it’s not, whatever it is, it’s not only that to that client…it’s a big thing to them” (HV002)

12 Leadership Attributes
Professional Judgement Organisational Targets “It might have just been effective for getting a birth visit done [at the mandated time]: ticking a box, weighing a baby, it wasn’t effective in supporting, building a relationship, giving them confidence, that kind of thing…” (HV002)

13 Educational Attributes
Role Models “[The health visitor] is the one smiling, looking sympathetic in clinic” (HV001)

14 Team Leading Attributes
Team Approach “We felt [as a team] humbled… to make a difference [to a family after a tragedy]” (HV004)

15 Reflection “…took it right back to the bare…the bare bones of one human being supporting another, through trauma” (HV002) Motivation Theme “Was it professional to relate?” (HV004)

16 Discussion Difficult to define A Puzzle Objectification
Clinical Supervision

17 Conclusion Complexity Support Reflection

18 References Belbin, M Team Roles at Work. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Benner, P From Novice to Expert. California: Addison Wesley. Chambers, C Taking a lead in compassionate care: the challenge for health visitors in responding to the 6 C’s. Journal of Health Visiting. 1 (6), pp Chambers, C. and Ryder, E Excellence in Compassion: Leading the Change. London: Radcliffe Publishing. Cummings, J, and Bennett,V Compassion in Practice: Nursing, Midwifery and Care Staff: Our Vision and Strategy. (Online). (Accessed 11/11/2013). Available from Francis ,R The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry. London: The Stationery Office. (Online). (Accessed 22/11/2013). Available from: Jay, A Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997 – Rotherham. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. Accessed online 16/11/2014. Available from: NHS England National Health Visiting Service Specification 2014/2015. London: NHS England. (Online). (Accessed 01/04/2014). Available from: Nightingale, F Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not. Harrison: London. Royal College of Nursing Clinical Supervision in the Workplace: Guidance for Occupational Health Nurses. London:RCN. (Online). (Accessed 24/04/2014). Available from: van Manen, M Researching the lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. New York: State University of New York Press. Watson, J Nursing: Human Science and Human Care. A Theory of Nursing. New York: National League of Nursing. Watson, J The Theory of Human Caring: Retrospective and Prospective. Nursing Science Quarterly. 10 (1), pp.49-52

19 Contact Details Margaret Clarke
Twitter: hc13amc

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