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Meeting #31 January 26, 2017 21 Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting #31 January 26, 2017 21 Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting #31 January 26, 2017 21 Elements

2 Agenda Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Updates (HEART, Legislative Update) Speakers — Multifamily Housing Inspection Program Permit Data Collection Products Future Work Plans Home for All Update Schedule and Next Steps Close at 3:00 PM

3 I. Announcements Webinar: Why Housing Messages Backfire & What We Can Do About It Tue, Jan 31, :00 AM - 12:30 PM PST

4 II. Updates HEART Armando Sanchez
Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Rose Cade, San Mateo County Department of Housing Legislative Update Michael Lane, Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California

5 III. Speaker — Multifamily Housing Inspection Program
Sandra Estrin

6 IV. Speaker — Permit Data Collection
Michelle Littlefield Gillian Adams

7 V. Products Update Overview of Completed and Planned Work
Impact Fee Progress ADU New Requirements Progress Displacement Planning Directors’ Meeting Second Unit Design and Process Manual

8 Overview of Completed and In Process Work
Short Term Vacation Rental Collected data on usage Report on trends and policy options Webinar # 1 Case studies and second webinar ADUs New legal requirements memo, ordinance checklist, resources and webinar Junior second units memo and speakers from Marin County and City of Ventura

9 ADUs (continued) Impact Fees ADU amnesty guidance material
Design and process manual Impact Fees Staff reports/PowerPoint Report on legal considerations for impact fees Impact fee calculator Decision matrix Summary of current policies Respond to speaker requests Summary report Mitigation fee compliance (Legal requirements report, noticing requirements and sample 1 year report) Ongoing follow-up support

10 Displacement RHNA AHSC
Background Materials on Displacement and Displacement Strategies Displacement Report List of Possible Speakers Webinar Follow-up support Displacement implementation RHNA Conference and follow up AHSC Program guidelines summary Conference White paper outline

11 Other Affordable Housing
AHSC (continued) Participation in task force Follow-up and assistance Other Affordable Housing Affordable housing overlay zones policy memo Big Ideas in Affordable Housing Regional Collaboration School district conference Home for All coordination and presentations C/CAG Planning Directors’ forum support

12 Organizational Development
Other Jobs / Housing Trends Report Additional speakers Surplus land act training, speakers and material Website update Organizational Development New logo Maintain website Quarterly 21 Elements meeting Updating membership lists RHNA 5 exit survey

13 Impact Fee Progress

14 ADU New State Law Requirements Progress

15 Displacement Displacement Report List of Possible Speakers Webinar
Follow-up support Displacement implementation

16 Planning Directors’ Meeting
Scheduled for April 20th before the next 21 Elements Meeting

17 ADU Design and Process Manual

18 What We Heard (Returned Comment Sheets)
Provide explanation for process questions Include general requirements (site and architecture) Include design requirements and suggested design examples (site and architecture) Enhance trust and community buy-in Cover finances and costs Include effective outreach - get people interested and willing to do it Cover multiple code requirements Use graphics to illustrate Code Regulations

19 What We Heard (Returned Comment Sheets)
Address parking impact considerations Identify what might be considerations from a neighborhood opposition Explain an onerous process in a simple way Include alternative parking design in non-driveway settings and access w/o overly-wide driveways Include alternative surfacing standards Include residents and homeowners in developing the manual Cover small lots - trade off losing yard space Cover utility installation and ongoing costs Cover construction process, requirements and potential costs Address garage conversions

20 ADU Design and Process Manual Outline
What is a second unit and is it right for me? Am I allowed to build it? (Brief summary of all the rules in the county) How much does it cost? Potential rent? Financing? What is the process of getting it approved, designed and built? Prototypes - Photos and sample designs. The goal is to give homeowners ideas about what their second unit could look like Garage Conversions (partial, full, freestanding) Liability issues Checklists and worksheets for property owner? Where do I start? Link for contact information for builders or architects and staff Making it green Story from someone who built a second unit and loves it Resources Examples Pocket where each city can put specific information

21 VI. Future Work Plan Comment Sheet Small Groups Small Group Reports What are your important housing work items coming up? Is there anything missing that we should add? What should we consider as top priority work items that can assist you?


23 VII. Home for All Update

24 VIII. Schedule and Next Steps
Schedule for 21 Elements Meetings April 20, 2017 Summer Meeting Date (TBD) Other Meetings RHNA Sharing Technical Meeting – February 15th, 2017 Webinars – Displacement and Short Term Vacation Rentals

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