Kalypso and Nausikaa Odyssey V and VI.

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1 Kalypso and Nausikaa Odyssey V and VI

2 Kalypso Review: a sea nymph, lives on Ogygia, in love with Odysseus
Book V opens on Olympos, with Athena interceding on Odysseus’ behalf JUST LIKE BOOK I We are in real-time here, contemperaneous to Telemakhos’ voyage

3 Timeline Telemakhos Book XIII Book I Odysseus Book V Book XIII Book 1
Books IX - XII

4 Zeus “We, whose will is not subject to error”
“It is not to be thought of – and no use – for any god to elude the will of Zeus” FATE – even Zeus can’t overcome it “You hate it when we choose to lie with mortal men” Can Zeus REALLY be upset by goddesses sleeping with mortals?

5 Ballistic: God vs. God Poseidon counters Hermes Ino counters Poseidon
Odysseus counters Ino Poseidon counters Odysseus Athena counters Poseidon Zeus still wins

6 The Arrival on Phaiakia
Odysseus makes it, but barely “Odysseus left the skin of his great hands torn on that rock-ledge “swollen from head to foot” REBIRTH

7 Odysseus Finally Rests

8 The Phaiakians lived on Phaiakia (aka Skheria)
gods used to walk among them Alkinoos: king of Phaiakia Arete: queen of Phaiakia name means “glory” Nausikaa: daughter of Alkinoos and Arete

9 Nausikaa Nausikaa is one of Homer's most wonderful creations
Young (how old, do you think?), beautiful, obedient, smart, clever, yet simple

10 Nausikaa as Virgin and Mother
As a virgin, she’s a desirable princess Odysseus doesn’t know what to do: μίξεσθαι “to go to meet; have sex with” As mother, she brings him to life

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